

Returns a collection of SoftLayer_Item_Price objects from a collection of SoftLayer_Software_Description that are available for the service offering (package).


Return a collection of SoftLayer_Item_Price objects from a collection of SoftLayer_Software_Description


Name Type Description
softwareDescriptions SoftLayer_Software_Description[] The software that the item prices will be returned for.
includeTranslationsFlag boolean The flag to specify whether software translations should be considered when looking at the software descriptions.
returnAllPricesFlag boolean The flag to specify whether all item prices or just the first price for the software descriptions.

Required Headers

Optional Headers

Return Values

Error Handling

  • Throws the exception ‘Software description is not available with the the service offering on this server.’ when the product item cannot be determined.
curl -g -u $SL_USER:$SL_APIKEY -X POST -d '{"parameters": [SoftLayer_Software_Description, boolean, boolean]}' \