June 20, 2011

Tags article sldn

Using Initialization Parameters in the SoftLayer API

How Initialization parameters work

Table of contents

  1. Structure
  2. Creating an Initialization Parameter
    1. SOAP
    2. XML-RPC
    3. REST
  3. Exceptions to the Rule
  4. Parameters
  5. Optional Headers

Prior to calling methods on some objects represented in the SoftLayer API, a unique identifier must be used during instantiation of the service. SoftLayer provides a way to instantiate your service objects by passing the service’s initialization parameter in the header of your API calls. Once this action is complete, all methods following this header will be directed to the method containing the initialization parameter.
Nearly all data represented in the SoftLayer API is identified by a unique integer value. For instance, your SoftLayer customer account number is one of these unique identifiers and, consequently, is the value of the initialization parameter in your calls to the SoftLayer_Account service.


An initialization parameter is an object of the type <SoftLayer_Service>InitParameters where <SoftLayer_Service> is the name of the service you’re accessing. Each initialization parameter has a single integer property called id, representing the unique identifier of the object you’re trying to retrieve or edit. For instance, The SoftLayer_Hardware_Server method’s initialization parameter is stored in the SoftLayer_Hardware_ServerInitParameters data type with the single integer property id.

If a method requires a SoftLayer_ServiceInitParameter you will find that documented under the Required Headers section of each method.

Creating an Initialization Parameter


Languages that support SOAP usually have built-in mechanisms to add headers to a SOAP call (the SoapHeader PHP class, for instance). If building manual SOAP calls, then format your request XML akin to the following (assuming you’re working with the SoftLayer_Network_Backbone service):

<SoftLayer_Network_BackboneInitParameters xsi:type="v3:SoftLayer_Network_BackboneInitParameters">
    <id xsi:type="xsd:int">115</id>


Since XML-RPC treats data as array keys and values, its initialization parameter structure is quite different:


Most programming and scripting languages with SOAP and XML-RPC support have built-in methods to create request headers, but if formatting a call manually then place XML like the values above into the headers of your requests.


With REST, the init parameter goes directly into the URL, between the SoftLayer_Server and method call (getObject in the below example).


Exceptions to the Rule

Some methods do not require initialization parameters. These kinds of methods usually create objects or retrieve groups of objects. For instance, the SoftLayer_Ticket::addUpdate method requires an initialization parameter set since it relates to updating a specific ticket, but the SoftLayer_Ticket::createAdministrativeTicket method does not since there is no existing ticket to reference. If a method does not require an initialization parameter, its service’s initialization parameter data type is absent from its manual page.

On most methods, you will also see the authenticate header, however the SoftLayer_Resource_Metadata service doesn’t require this because it uses information about the server making the API call itself to return useful data. Since that service is meant to only be used by infrastructure on the SoftLayer network, it is only available on the private network endpoint itself.


On each method’s documentation page, you will see a section called Parameters. If this is just an empty table, that means the method requires no parameters to be passed in. However if the method accepts parameters, they will be documented like this:

Hardware_Server::editObject() Parameters

Name Type Description
templateObject SoftLayer_Hardware_Server A skeleton SoftLayer_Hardware_Server object with only the properties defined that you wish to change. Unchanged properties are left alone.

This indicates that this method takes in 1 parameter, of type SoftLayer_Hardware_Server.


The order of the parameters is critical. The order you pass them in needs to match the order listed in the documentation. Parameters are NOT named, so don’t pass in the parameter name when calling the specific method.


The XML-RPC payload would look something like this:

<?xml version='1.0'?>


When making REST api calls that require parameters, they need to be specified as a POST request. For API calls with multiple parameters, this is the format -d '{"parameters": [PARAM1, PARAM2, PARAM3]}'

curl -u $SL_USER:$SL_APIKEY -X POST -d '{"parameters": [{"domain": "testing02.com"}]}' 'https://api.softlayer.com/rest/v3.1/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/123456789/editObject.json'