Items with tag softlayer_account_internal_ibm


    • getAccountTypes
      Validates request and, if the request is approved, returns a list of allowed uses for an automatically created IBMer IaaS account.
    • getAuthorizationUrl
      Gets the URL used to perform manager validation.
    • getBmsCountries
    • getBmsCountryList
    • getEmployeeAccessToken
      Exchanges a code for a token during manager validation.
    • getManagerPreview
      After validating the requesting user through the access token, generates a container with the relevant request information and returns it.
    • hasExistingRequest
      Checks for an existing request which would block an IBMer from submitting a new request. Such a request could be denied, approved, or awaiting manager action.
    • managerApprove
      Applies manager approval to a pending internal IBM account request. If cost recovery is already configured, this will create an account. If not, this will remind the internal team to configure cost recovery and create the account when possible.
    • managerDeny
      Denies a pending request and prevents additional requests from the same applicant for as long as the manager remains the same.
    • requestAccount
      Validates request and kicks off the approval process.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Internal_Ibm
      Processes requests by IBM employees to create an IaaS account tied to their email. Request process cannot be initiated directly and must go through the Bluemix IBMer account request form.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Internal_Ibm
      Processes requests by IBM employees to create an IaaS account tied to their email. Request process cannot be initiated directly and must go through the Bluemix IBMer account request form.