Items with tag softlayer_brand_restriction_location_customercountry


    • getAllObjects
    • getBrand
      This references the brand that has a brand-location-country restriction setup.
    • getLocation
      This references the datacenter that has a brand-location-country restriction setup. For example, if a datacenter is listed with a restriction for Canada, a Canadian customer may not be eligible to order services at that location.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Brand_Restriction_Location_CustomerCountry record.
    • SoftLayer_Brand_Restriction_Location_CustomerCountry
      The [SoftLayer_Brand_Restriction_Location_CustomerCountry](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Brand_Restriction_Location_CustomerCountry) data type defines the relationship between brands, locations and countries associated with a user's account that are ineligible when ordering products. For example, the India datacenter may not be available on the SoftLayer US brand for customers that live in Great Britain.
    • SoftLayer_Brand_Restriction_Location_CustomerCountry
      The [SoftLayer_Brand_Restriction_Location_CustomerCountry](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Brand_Restriction_Location_CustomerCountry) service defines the relationship between brands, locations and countries associated with a user's account that are ineligible when ordering products. For example, the India datacenter may not be available on the SoftLayer US brand for customers that live in Great Britain.