Items with tag softlayer_container_virtual_guest_configuration


    • SoftLayer_Container_Virtual_Guest_Configuration
      The guest configuration container is used to provide configuration options for creating computing instances. Each configuration option will include both an <code>itemPrice</code> and a <code>template</code>. The <code>itemPrice</code> value will provide hourly and monthly costs (if either are applicable), and a description of the option. The <code>template</code> will provide a fragment of the request with the properties and values that must be sent when creating a computing instance with the option. The [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/getCreateObjectOptions) method returns this data structure. <style type='text/css'>#properties .views-field-body p { margin-top: 1.5em; };</style>