Items with tag softlayer_dns_domain_registration_registrant_verification_status


    • getAllObjects
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_Registration_Registrant_Verification_Status record.
    • SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_Registration_Registrant_Verification_Status
      [DEPRECATED] SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_Registration_Registrant_Verification_Status models the state of the registrant. Here are the following status codes: *'''Admin Reviewing''': The registrant data has been submitted and being reviewed by compliance team. *'''Pending''': The verification process has been inititated, and verification email will be sent. *'''Suspended''': The registrant has failed verification and the domain has been suspended. *'''Verified''': The registrant has been validated. *'''Verifying''': The verification process has been initiated and is waiting for registrant response. *'''Unverified''': The verification process has not been inititated.
    • SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_Registration_Registrant_Verification_Status