Items with tag softlayer_layout_container


    • getAllObjects
      Use this method to retrieve all active layout containers that can be customized.
    • getLayoutContainerType
      The type of the layout container object
    • getLayoutItems
      The layout items assigned to this layout container
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Layout_Container record.
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Container
      The SoftLayer_Layout_Container contains definitions for default page layouts
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Container
      Layout containers are used in the customization of the Portal 4 customer experience. A single page in the portal can be thought of as a layout container. The container houses individual [SoftLayer_Layout_Item](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Item), which are the elements of the page (e.g., Ticket list). Layout containers can be added to [SoftLayer_Layout_Profile](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Profile), allowing for full customization of the container's related items.