Items with tag softlayer_layout_item


    • getLayoutItemPreferences
      The layout preferences assigned to this layout item
    • getLayoutItemType
      The type of the layout item object
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Layout_Item record.
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Item
      The SoftLayer_Layout_Item contains definitions for default layout items
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Item
      Layout items are used in the customization of the Portal 4 customer experience. Each [SoftLayer_Layout_Container](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Container) in the portal contains one or more layout items. These are used to describe elements such as ticket lists. Layout items typically have [SoftLayer_Layout_Preference](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Preference), which can be customized once the container is added to a [SoftLayer_Layout_Profile](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Profile).