SOAP API will create a new CDN domain mapping for a particular customer.
SOAP API will delete CDN domain mapping for a particular customer.
Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Mapping record.
SOAP API will return the domain mapping based on the uniqueId.
SOAP API will return all domains for a particular customer.
For specific mappings in HTTPS-related error states, this SOAP API will determine whether it needs to re-attempt an enable or disable HTTPS.
This data type represents the mapping Configuration settings for enabling CDN services. Each instance contains a reference to a CDN account, and CDN configuration properties such as a domain, an origin host and its port, a cname we generate, a cname the vendor generates, and a status. Other properties include the type of content to be cached (static or dynamic), the origin type (a host server or an object storage account), and the protocol to be used for caching.
This service manages domain mapping configurations for enabling CDN services.
SOAP API will start CDN domain mapping for a particular customer.
SOAP API will stop CDN mapping for a particular customer.
SOAP API will update the Domain Mapping identified by the Unique Id. Following fields are allowed to be changed: originHost, HttpPort/HttpsPort, RespectHeaders, ServeStale
Additionally, bucketName and fileExtension if OriginType is Object Store
Verifies the CNAME is Unique in the domain. The method will return true if CNAME is unique else returns false
Verifies the status of the domain mapping by calling the rest api; will update the status, cname, and vendorCName if necessary and will return the updated values.