Items with tag softlayer_network_cdnmarketplace_configuration_mapping_path


    • Managing CDN accounts
      How to interact with the CdnMarketplace services. Order CDN, manage mappings and other related functions


    • Managing CDN accounts
      How to interact with the CdnMarketplace services. Order CDN, manage mappings and other related functions



    • createOriginPath
      SOAP API will create Origin Path for an existing CDN mapping and for a particular customer.
    • deleteOriginPath
      SOAP API will delete Origin Path for an existing mapping and for a particular customer.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Mapping_Path record.
    • listOriginPath
      SOAP API will list origin path for an existing mapping and for a particular customer.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Mapping_Path
      This service manages the paths for domain mapping configurations.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Mapping_Path
      This service manages the paths for domain mapping configurations.
    • updateOriginPath
      SOAP API will update Origin Path for an existing mapping and for a particular customer. When passing the $input object as a parameter, it will expect the following properties to be set: $oldPath $uniqueId $originType, $path, $origin, $httpPort, $httpsPort, and if the path's origin type is object storage, the $bucketName and the $fileExtension. Out of the properties listed above only the following path properties are allowed to be changed: $path, $origin, $httpPort, $httpsPort These properties may not be changed: $originType
