Items with tag softlayer_network_loadbalancer_global_account


    • addNsRecord
      The global load balancer service has been deprecated and is no longer available. If your globally load balanced domain is hosted on the SoftLayer nameservers this method will add the required NS resource record to your DNS zone file and remove any A records that match the host portion of a global load balancer account hostname.
    • editObject
      The global load balancer service has been deprecated and is no longer available. Edit the properties of a global load balancer account by passing in a modified instance of the object.
    • getAccount
      Your SoftLayer customer account.
    • getBillingItem
      The current billing item for a Global Load Balancer account.
    • getHosts
      The hosts in the load balancing pool for a global load balancer account.
    • getLoadBalanceType
      The load balance method of a global load balancer account
    • getManagedResourceFlag
      A flag indicating that the global load balancer is a managed resource.
    • getObject
      The global load balancer service has been deprecated and is no longer available.
    • removeNsRecord
      The global load balancer service has been deprecated and is no longer available. If your globally load balanced domain is hosted on the SoftLayer nameservers this method will remove the NS resource record from your DNS zone file.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_Global_Account
      The global load balancer service has been deprecated and is no longer available.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_Global_Account
      The global load balancer service has been deprecated and is no longer available. A global load balancer account enables you to load balance traffic between servers that are in geographically diverse locations. SoftLayer's global load balancers act as a highly modified DNS server. SoftLayer's global load balancers work by accepting DNS requests for a specific hostname, choosing a host from a load balancing pool using the load balance method specified, and returning a destination IP address through a DNS response.