Items with tag softlayer_network_loadbalancer_virtualipaddress


    • disable
      Disable a Virtual IP Address, removing it from load balancer rotation and denying all connections to that IP address.
    • editObject
      Like any other API object, the load balancers can have their exposed properties edited by passing in a modified version of the object. The load balancer object also can modify its services in this way. Simply request the load balancer object you wish to edit, then modify the objects in the services array and pass the modified object to this function. WARNING: Services cannot be deleted in this manner, you must call deleteObject() on the service to physically remove them from the load balancer.
    • enable
      Enable a disabled Virtual IP Address, allowing connections back to the IP address.
    • getAccount
      The account that owns this load balancer.
    • getBillingItem
      The current billing item for the Load Balancer.
    • getCustomerManagedFlag
      If false, this VIP and associated services may be edited via the portal or the API. If true, you must configure this VIP manually on the device.
    • getManagedResourceFlag
      A flag indicating that the load balancer is a managed resource.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress service. You can only retrieve Load Balancers assigned to your account.
    • getServices
      the services on this load balancer.
    • kickAllConnections
      Quickly remove all active external connections to a Virtual IP Address.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress
      The SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress data type contains all the information relating to a specific load balancer assigned to a customer account. Information retained on the object itself is the virtual IP address, load balancing method, and any notes that are related to the load balancer. There is also an array of SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_Service objects, which represent the load balancer services, explained more fully in the SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_Service documentation.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress
      Each SoftLayer customer that has purchased a load balancer will have one defined in the SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress service. Load balancers have a virtual IP address and a number of SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_Service objects associated with them. The SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress object is the only way for a customer to make changes to their load balancer service. Load balancers can be upgraded by using the upgradeConnectionLimit function, but this will upgrade your billing accordingly. Downgrades are currently not supported, please open a ticket to accomplish a downgrade.
    • upgradeConnectionLimit
      Upgrades the connection limit on the VirtualIp and changes the billing item on your account to reflect the change. This function will only upgrade you to the next 'level' of service. The next level follows this pattern Current Level => Next Level 50 100 100 200 200 500 500 1000 1000 1200 1200 1500 1500 2000 2000 2500 2500 3000