Items with tag softlayer_network_monitor_version1_query_host


    • createObject
      Passing in an unsaved instances of a Query_Host object into this function will create the object and return the results to the user.
    • createObjects
      Passing in a collection of unsaved instances of Query_Host objects into this function will create all objects and return the results to the user.
    • deleteObject
      Like any other API object, the monitoring objects can be deleted by passing an instance of them into this function. The ID on the object must be set.
    • deleteObjects
      Like any other API object, the monitoring objects can be deleted by passing an instance of them into this function. The ID on the object must be set.
    • editObject
      Like any other API object, the monitoring objects can have their exposed properties edited by passing in a modified version of the object.
    • editObjects
      Like any other API object, the monitoring objects can have their exposed properties edited by passing in a modified version of the object.
    • findByHardwareId
      This method returns all Query_Host objects associated with the passed in hardware ID as long as that hardware ID is owned by the current user's account. This behavior can also be accomplished by simply tapping networkMonitors on the Hardware_Server object.
    • getHardware
      The hardware that is being monitored by this monitoring instance
    • getLastResult
      The most recent result for this particular monitoring instance.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Host object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Host service. You can only retrieve query hosts attached to hardware that belong to your account.
    • getQueryType
      The type of monitoring query that is executed when this hardware is monitored.
    • getResponseAction
      The action taken when a monitor fails.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Host
      The Monitoring_Query_Host type represents a monitoring instance. It consists of a hardware ID to monitor, an IP address attached to that hardware ID, a method of monitoring, and what to do in the instance that the monitor ever fails.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Host
      The Query_Host service is the core of the monitoring system. Each instance of this service represents a monitoring instance. Each monitoring instance consists of a hardware ID to monitor, an IP address attached to that hardware ID, a method of monitoring, and what to do in the instance that the monitor ever fails. The monitoring services are scheduled jobs, and cannot be initiated by the user. Simply creating the object is enough, the monitor will begin working in 5-10 minutes. Deleting a monitor will immediately remove it from the monitoring queue. Modifications will take effect in 5-10 minutes. If the user wishes to be notified, or have other users on the account notified when a monitoring instance fails, a response type that includes 'notify users' must be included on the query host object, and a SoftLayer_User_Customer_Notification_Hardware instance must be saved linking the desired users to the hardware being monitored. In order for users to be notified, a SoftLayer_User_Customer_Notification_Hardware object MUST exist linking them to a hardware object, and a monitoring instance on that hardware object must be set to 'notify users'