Items with tag softlayer_network_storage_backup_evault


    • allowAccessFromHardware
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromHardwareList
    • allowAccessFromHost
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The [[SoftLayer_Hardware|SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress]] objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the [[allowedHardware|allowedVirtualGuests|allowedSubnets|allowedIpAddresses]] property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromHostList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The [[SoftLayer_Hardware|SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress]] objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume will be listed in the [[allowedHardware|allowedVirtualGuests|allowedSubnets|allowedIpAddresses]] property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromIpAddress
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedIpAddresses property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromIpAddressList
    • allowAccessFromSubnet
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromSubnetList
    • allowAccessFromVirtualGuest
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromVirtualGuestList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromHardware
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage replicant volume. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage replicant volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromHardwareList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationHardware property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromIpAddress
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromIpAddressList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationIpAddresses property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromSubnet
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage replicant volume. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage replicant volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromSubnetList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationSubnets property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromVirtualGuest
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage replicant volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage replicant volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromVirtualGuestList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • assignCredential
      This method will assign an existing credential to the current volume. The credential must have been created using the 'addNewCredential' method. The volume type must support an additional credential.
    • assignNewCredential
      This method will set up a new credential for the remote storage volume. The storage volume must support an additional credential. Once created, the credential will be automatically assigned to the current volume. If there are no volumes assigned to the credential it will be automatically deleted.
    • changePassword
      The method will change the password for the given Storage/Virtual Server Storage account.
    • collectBandwidth
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} collectBandwidth() Retrieve the bandwidth usage for the current billing cycle.
    • collectBytesUsed
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} collectBytesUsed() retrieves the number of bytes capacity currently in use on a Storage account.
    • convertCloneDependentToIndependent
      Splits a clone from its parent allowing it to be an independent volume.
    • createFolder
      Create a new folder in the root directory.
    • createOrUpdateLunId
      The LUN ID only takes effect during the Host Authorization process. It is required to de-authorize all hosts before using this method.
    • createSnapshot
      Manually create a new snapshot of a storage volume.
    • deleteAllFiles
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Delete all files within a Storage account. Depending on the type of Storage account, Deleting either deletes files permanently or sends files to your account's recycle bin. Currently, Virtual Server storage is the only type of Storage account that sends files to a recycle bin when deleted. When called against a Virtual Server storage account , this method also determines if the files are in the account's recycle bin. If the files exist in the recycle bin, then they are permanently deleted. Please note, files can not be restored once they are permanently deleted.
    • deleteFile
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Delete an individual file within a Storage account. Depending on the type of Storage account, Deleting a file either deletes the file permanently or sends the file to your account's recycle bin. Currently, Virtual Server storage is the only type of Storage account that sends files to a recycle bin when deleted. When called against a Virtual Server storage account , this method also determines if the file is in the account's recycle bin. If the file exist in the recycle bin, then it is permanently deleted. Please note, a file can not be restored once it is permanently deleted.
    • deleteFiles
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Delete multiple files within a Storage account. Depending on the type of Storage account, Deleting either deletes files permanently or sends files to your account's recycle bin. Currently, Virtual Server storage is the only type of Storage account that sends files to a recycle bin when deleted. When called against a Virtual Server storage account , this method also determines if the files are in the account's recycle bin. If the files exist in the recycle bin, then they are permanently deleted. Please note, files can not be restored once they are permanently deleted.
    • deleteFolder
      Delete a folder in the root directory.
    • deleteObject
      Delete a network storage volume. '''This cannot be undone.''' At this time only network storage snapshots may be deleted with this method. ''deleteObject'' returns Boolean ''true'' on successful deletion or ''false'' if it was unable to remove a volume;
    • deleteTasks
      This method can be used to help maintain the storage space on a vault. When a job is removed from the Webcc, the task and stored usage still exists on the vault. This method can be used to delete the associated task and its usage. All that is required for the use of the method is to pass in an integer array of task(s).
    • disableSnapshots
      This method is not valid for Legacy iSCSI Storage Volumes. Disable scheduled snapshots of this storage volume. Scheduling options include 'INTERVAL', HOURLY, DAILY and WEEKLY schedules.
    • disasterRecoveryFailoverToReplicant
      If a volume (with replication) becomes inaccessible due to a disaster event, this method can be used to immediately failover to an available replica in another location. This method does not allow for fail back via the API. To fail back to the original volume after using this method, open a support ticket. To test failover, use [SoftLayer_Network_Storage::failoverToReplicant](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) instead.
    • downloadFile
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Download a file from a Storage account. This method returns a file's details including the file's raw content.
    • editCredential
      This method will change the password of a credential created using the 'addNewCredential' method. If the credential exists on multiple storage volumes it will change for those volumes as well.
    • editObject
      The password and/or notes may be modified for the Storage service except evault passwords and notes.
    • enableSnapshots
      This method is not valid for Legacy iSCSI Storage Volumes. Enable scheduled snapshots of this storage volume. Scheduling options include HOURLY, DAILY and WEEKLY schedules. For HOURLY schedules, provide relevant data for $scheduleType, $retentionCount and $minute. For DAILY schedules, provide relevant data for $scheduleType, $retentionCount, $minute, and $hour. For WEEKLY schedules, provide relevant data for all parameters of this method.
    • failbackFromReplicant
      Failback from a volume replicant. In order to failback the volume must have already been failed over to a replicant.
    • failoverToReplicant
      Failover to a volume replicant. During the time which the replicant is in use the local nas volume will not be available.
    • getAccount
      The account that a Storage services belongs to.
    • getAccountPassword
      Other usernames and passwords associated with a Storage volume.
    • getActiveTransactions
      The currently active transactions on a network storage volume.
    • getAllFiles
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve details such as id, name, size, create date for all files in a Storage account's root directory. This does not download file content.
    • getAllFilesByFilter
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve details such as id, name, size, create date for all files matching the filter's criteria in a Storage account's root directory. This does not download file content.
    • getAllowableHardware
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Hardware that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Network_Storage.
    • getAllowableIpAddresses
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Network_Storage.
    • getAllowableSubnets
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Network_Subnet that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Network_Storage.
    • getAllowableVirtualGuests
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Network_Storage.
    • getAllowDisasterRecoveryFailback
    • getAllowDisasterRecoveryFailover
    • getAllowedHardware
      The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which are allowed access to this storage volume.
    • getAllowedHostsLimit
      Retrieves the total number of allowed hosts limit per volume.
    • getAllowedIpAddresses
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which are allowed access to this storage volume.
    • getAllowedReplicationHardware
      The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which are allowed access to this storage volume's Replicant.
    • getAllowedReplicationIpAddresses
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which are allowed access to this storage volume's Replicant.
    • getAllowedReplicationSubnets
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which are allowed access to this storage volume's Replicant.
    • getAllowedReplicationVirtualGuests
      The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which are allowed access to this storage volume's Replicant.
    • getAllowedSubnets
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which are allowed access to this storage volume.
    • getAllowedVirtualGuests
      The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which are allowed access to this storage volume.
    • getBillingItem
      The current billing item for a Storage volume.
    • getBillingItemCategory
    • getBytesUsed
      The amount of space used by the volume, in bytes.
    • getByUsername
      Retrieve network storage accounts by username and storage account type. Use this method if you wish to retrieve a storage record by username rather than by id. The ''type'' parameter must correspond to one of the available ''nasType'' values in the SoftLayer_Network_Storage data type.
    • getCdnUrls
    • getClusterResource
    • getCreationScheduleId
      The schedule id which was executed to create a snapshot.
    • getCredentials
    • getCurrentCyclePeakUsage
      Peak number of bytes used in the vault for the current billing cycle.
    • getDailySchedule
      The Daily Schedule which is associated with this network storage volume.
    • getDependentDuplicate
      Whether or not a network storage volume is a dependent duplicate.
    • getDependentDuplicates
      The network storage volumes configured to be dependent duplicates of a volume.
    • getDuplicateConversionStatus
      This method is used to check, if for the given classic file block storage volume, a transaction performing dependent to independent duplicate conversion is active. If yes, then this returns the current percentage of its progress along with its start time as [SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_DuplicateConversionStatusInformation] object with its name, percentage and transaction start timestamp.
    • getEvents
      The events which have taken place on a network storage volume.
    • getFailbackNotAllowed
      Determines whether the volume is allowed to failback
    • getFailoverNotAllowed
      Determines whether the volume is allowed to failover
    • getFileBlockEncryptedLocations
    • getFileByIdentifier
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve details such as id, name, size, create date of a file within a Storage account. This does not download file content.
    • getFileCount
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve the file number of files in a Virtual Server Storage account's root directory. This does not include the files stored in the recycle bin.
    • getFileList
      Retrieve list of files in a given folder for this account.
    • getFileNetworkMountAddress
      Retrieves the NFS Network Mount Address Name for a given File Storage Volume.
    • getFilePendingDeleteCount
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve the number of files pending deletion in a Storage account's recycle bin. Files in an account's recycle bin may either be restored to the account's root directory or permanently deleted.
    • getFilesPendingDelete
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve a list of files that are pending deletion in a Storage account's recycle bin. Files in an account's recycle bin may either be restored to the account's root directory or permanently deleted. This method does not download file content.
    • getFixReplicationCurrentStatus
    • getFolderList
      Retrieve a list of level 1 folders for this account.
    • getGraph
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} [DEPRECATED] getGraph() retrieves a Storage account's usage and returns a PNG graph image, title, and the minimum and maximum dates included in the graphed date range. Virtual Server storage accounts can also graph upload and download bandwidth usage.
    • getHardware
      When applicable, the hardware associated with a Storage service.
    • getHardwareWithEvaultFirst
      Retrieve a list of hardware associated with a SoftLayer customer account, placing all hardware with associated EVault storage accounts at the beginning of the list. The return type is SoftLayer_Hardware_Server[] contains the results; the number of items returned in the result will be returned in the soap header (totalItems). ''getHardwareWithEvaultFirst'' is useful in situations where you wish to search for hardware and provide paginated output. Results are only returned for hardware belonging to the account of the user making the API call. This method drives the backup page of the SoftLayer customer portal. It serves a very specific function, but we have exposed it as it may prove useful for API developers too.
    • getHasEncryptionAtRest
    • getHourlySchedule
      The Hourly Schedule which is associated with this network storage volume.
    • getIntervalSchedule
      The Interval Schedule which is associated with this network storage volume.
    • getIops
      The maximum number of IOPs selected for this volume.
    • getIsConvertToIndependentTransactionInProgress
      Determines whether network storage volume has an active convert dependent clone to Independent transaction.
    • getIscsiLuns
      Relationship between a container volume and iSCSI LUNs.
    • getIscsiReplicatingVolume
      The network storage volumes configured to be replicants of this volume.
    • getIscsiTargetIpAddresses
      Returns the target IP addresses of an iSCSI volume.
    • getIsDependentDuplicateProvisionCompleted
      Determines whether dependent volume provision is completed on background.
    • getIsInDedicatedServiceResource
    • getIsMagneticStorage
    • getIsProvisionInProgress
      Determines whether network storage volume has an active provision transaction.
    • getIsReadyForSnapshot
      Determines whether a volume is ready to order snapshot space, or, if snapshot space is already available, to assign a snapshot schedule, or to take a manual snapshot.
    • getIsReadyToMount
      Determines whether a volume is ready to have Hosts authorized to access it. This does not indicate whether another operation may be blocking, please refer to this volume's volumeStatus property for details.
    • getLunId
      The ID of the LUN volume.
    • getManualSnapshots
      The manually-created snapshots associated with this SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume. Does not support pagination by result limit and offset.
    • getMaximumExpansionSize
      Returns the maximum volume expansion size in GB.
    • getMetricTrackingObject
      [DEPRECATED] - A network storage volume's metric tracking object. This object records all periodic polled data available to this volume.
    • getMountableFlag
      Whether or not a network storage volume may be mounted.
    • getMountPath
      Retrieves the NFS Network Mount Path for a given File Storage Volume.
    • getMoveAndSplitStatus
      The current status of split or move operation as a part of volume duplication.
    • getNetworkConnectionDetails
      Retrieve network connection details for complex network storage volumes.
    • getNetworkMountAddress
      Displays the mount path of a storage volume.
    • getNetworkMountPath
      Displays the mount path of a storage volume.
    • getNotificationSubscribers
      The subscribers that will be notified for usage amount warnings and overages.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault object whose ID corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault service.
    • getObjectsByCredential
      Retrieve network storage accounts by SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Credential object. Use this method if you wish to retrieve a storage record by a credential rather than by id.
    • getObjectStorageConnectionInformation
      Retrieve all object storage details for connection
    • getOriginalSnapshotName
      The name of the snapshot that this volume was duplicated from.
    • getOriginalVolumeId
      Volume id of the origin volume from which this volume is been cloned.
    • getOriginalVolumeName
      The name of the volume that this volume was duplicated from.
    • getOriginalVolumeSize
      The size (in GB) of the volume or LUN before any size expansion, or of the volume (before any possible size expansion) from which the duplicate volume or LUN was created.
    • getOsType
      A volume's configured SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Iscsi_OS_Type.
    • getOsTypeId
      A volume's configured SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Iscsi_OS_Type ID.
    • getParentPartnerships
      The volumes or snapshots partnered with a network storage volume in a parental role.
    • getParentVolume
      The parent volume of a volume in a complex storage relationship.
    • getPartnerships
      The volumes or snapshots partnered with a network storage volume.
    • getPermissionsGroups
      All permissions group(s) this volume is in.
    • getPreviousCyclePeakUsage
      Peak number of bytes used in the vault for the previous billing cycle.
    • getProperties
      The properties used to provide additional details about a network storage volume.
    • getProvisionedIops
      The number of IOPs provisioned for this volume.
    • getRecycleBinFileByIdentifier
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve the details of a file that is pending deletion in a Storage account's a recycle bin.
    • getRemainingAllowedHosts
      Retrieves the remaining number of allowed hosts per volume.
    • getRemainingAllowedHostsForReplicant
      Retrieves the remaining number of allowed hosts for a volume's replicant.
    • getReplicatingLuns
      The iSCSI LUN volumes being replicated by this network storage volume.
    • getReplicatingVolume
      The network storage volume being replicated by a volume.
    • getReplicationEvents
      The volume replication events.
    • getReplicationPartners
      The network storage volumes configured to be replicants of a volume.
    • getReplicationSchedule
      The Replication Schedule associated with a network storage volume.
    • getReplicationStatus
      The current replication status of a network storage volume. Indicates Failover or Failback status.
    • getReplicationTimestamp
      An API call to fetch the last timestamp of the replication process
    • getSchedules
      The schedules which are associated with a network storage volume.
    • getServiceResource
      The network resource a Storage service is connected to.
    • getServiceResourceBackendIpAddress
      The IP address of a Storage resource.
    • getServiceResourceName
      The name of a Storage's network resource.
    • getSnapshotCapacityGb
      A volume's configured snapshot space size.
    • getSnapshotCreationTimestamp
      The creation timestamp of the snapshot on the storage platform.
    • getSnapshotDeletionThresholdPercentage
      The percentage of used snapshot space after which to delete automated snapshots.
    • getSnapshotNotificationStatus
      Whether or not a network storage volume may be mounted.
    • getSnapshots
      The snapshots associated with this SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume.
    • getSnapshotsForVolume
      Retrieves a list of snapshots for this SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume. This method works with the result limits and offset to support pagination.
    • getSnapshotSizeBytes
      The snapshot size in bytes.
    • getSnapshotSpaceAvailable
      A volume's available snapshot reservation space.
    • getStaasVersion
    • getStorageGroups
      The network storage groups this volume is attached to.
    • getStorageGroupsNetworkConnectionDetails
    • getStorageTierLevel
    • getStorageType
      A description of the Storage object.
    • getTargetIpAddresses
    • getTotalBytesUsed
      The amount of space used by the volume.
    • getTotalScheduleSnapshotRetentionCount
      The total snapshot retention count of all schedules on this network storage volume.
    • getUsageNotification
      The usage notification for SL Storage services.
    • getValidReplicationTargetDatacenterLocations
    • getVendorName
      The type of network storage service.
    • getVirtualGuest
      When applicable, the virtual guest associated with a Storage service.
    • getVolumeCountLimits
      Retrieves an array of volume count limits per location and globally.
    • getVolumeDuplicateParameters
      This method returns the parameters for cloning a volume
    • getVolumeHistory
      The username and password history for a Storage service.
    • getVolumeStatus
      The current status of a network storage volume.
    • getWebccAccount
      The account username and password for the EVault webCC interface.
    • getWebCCAuthenticationDetails
      Retrieve WebCC authentication details value. This value is required for the login process associated to the session information for WebCC.
    • getWeeklySchedule
      The Weekly Schedule which is associated with this network storage volume.
    • immediateFailoverToReplicant
      Immediate Failover to a volume replicant. During the time which the replicant is in use the local nas volume will not be available.
    • initiateBareMetalRestore
      Evault Bare Metal Restore is a special version of Rescue Kernel designed specifically for making full system restores made with Evault's BMR backup. This process works very similar to Rescue Kernel, except only the Evault restore program is available. The process takes approximately 10 minutes. Once completed you will be able to access your server to do a restore through VNC or your servers KVM-over-IP. IP information and credentials can be found on the hardware page of the customer portal. The Evault Application will be running automatically upon startup, and will walk you through the restore process.
    • initiateBareMetalRestoreForServer
      This method operates the same as the initiateBareMetalRestore() method. However, using this method, the Bare Metal Restore can be initiated on any Windows server under the account.
    • initiateOriginVolumeReclaim
      Initiates Origin Volume Reclaim to delete volume from NetApp.
    • initiateVolumeCutover
      Initiates Volume Cutover to remove access from the old volume.
    • isBlockingOperationInProgress
    • isDuplicateReadyForSnapshot
      This method returns a boolean indicating whether the clone volume is ready for snapshot.
    • isDuplicateReadyToMount
      This method returns a boolean indicating whether the clone volume is ready to mount.
    • isVolumeActive
    • refreshDependentDuplicate
      Refreshes a duplicate volume with a snapshot taken from its parent. This is deprecated now.
    • refreshDuplicate
      Refreshes any duplicate volume with a snapshot taken from its parent.
    • removeAccessFromHardware
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromHardwareList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromHost
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The [[SoftLayer_Hardware|SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress]] objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the [[allowedHardware|allowedVirtualGuests|allowedSubnets|allowedIpAddresses]] property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromHostList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The [[SoftLayer_Hardware|SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress]] objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the [[allowedHardware|allowedVirtualGuests|allowedSubnets|allowedIpAddresses]] property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromIpAddress
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedIpAddresses property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromIpAddressList
    • removeAccessFromSubnet
    • removeAccessFromSubnetList
    • removeAccessFromVirtualGuest
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromVirtualGuestList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromHardwareList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationHardware property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromIpAddressList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationIpAddresses property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromSubnet
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromSubnetList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationSubnets property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromVirtualGuestList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • removeCredential
      This method will remove a credential from the current volume. The credential must have been created using the 'addNewCredential' method.
    • restoreFile
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Restore an individual file so that it may be used as it was before it was deleted. If a file is deleted from a Virtual Server Storage account, the file is placed into the account's recycle bin and not permanently deleted. Therefore, restoreFile can be used to place the file back into your Virtual Server account's root directory.
    • restoreFromSnapshot
      Restore the volume from a snapshot that was previously taken.
    • sendPasswordReminderEmail
      The method will retrieve the password for the StorageLayer or Virtual Server Storage Account and email the password. The Storage Account passwords will be emailed to the master user. For Virtual Server Storage, the password will be sent to the email address used as the username.
    • setMountable
      Enable or disable the mounting of a Storage volume. When mounting is enabled the Storage volume will be mountable or available for use. For Virtual Server volumes, disabling mounting will deny access to the Virtual Server Account, remove published material and deny all file interaction including uploads and downloads. Enabling or disabling mounting for Storage volumes is not possible if mounting has been disabled by SoftLayer or a parent account.
    • setSnapshotAllocation
    • setSnapshotNotification
      Function to enable/disable snapshot warning notification.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault contains general information regarding an EVault Storage service such as account id, username, maximum capacity, password, Storage's product type and the server id.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault
      SoftLayer provides the EVault backup system as a part of it's Storage service offerings. EVault is an incremental and automated backup solution with Windows and web-based management clients. The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault service allows portal and API users to work with their EVault accounts. The large majority of EVault functionality is implemented in the SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault_Version6 service.
    • upgradeVolumeCapacity
      Upgrade the Storage volume to one of the upgradable packages (for example from 10 Gigs of EVault storage to 100 Gigs of EVault storage).
    • uploadFile
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Upload a file to a Storage account's root directory. Once uploaded, this method returns new file entity identifier for the upload file. The following properties are required in the ''file'' parameter. *'''name''': The name of the file you wish to upload *'''content''': The raw contents of the file you wish to upload. *'''contentType''': The MIME-type of content that you wish to upload.
    • validateHostsAccess
      This method is used to validate if the hosts are behind gateway or not from [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress] objects. This returns [SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_HostsGatewayInformation] object containing the host details along with a boolean attribute which indicates if it's behind the gateway or not.