Items with tag softlayer_network_subnet_registration_event_type


    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Event_Type
      The subnet registration event type type has been deprecated. Subnet Registration Event Type objects describe the nature of a [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Event](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Event) The standard values for these objects are as follows: <ul> <li><strong>REGISTRATION_CREATED</strong> - Indicates that the registration has been created</li> <li><strong>REGISTRATION_UPDATED</strong> - Indicates that the registration has been updated</li> <li><strong>REGISTRATION_CANCELLED</strong> - Indicates that the registration has been cancelled</li> <li><strong>RIR_RESPONSE</strong> - Indicates that an action taken against the RIR has produced a response. More details will be provided in the event message.</li> <li><strong>ERROR</strong> - Indicates that an error has been encountered. More details will be provided in the event message.</li> <li><strong>NOTE</strong> - An employee or other system has entered a note regarding the registration. The note content will be provided in the event message.</li> </ul>