Items with tag softlayer_network_vlan




    • Working with Network Vlan
      This example below lists a few of the common ways of interacting with VLANs, including how to order, list, cancel Vlan, and list routers by datacenter.





    • editObject
      Updates this VLAN using the provided VLAN template. The following properties may be modified. - 'name' - A description no more than 20 characters in length.
    • getAccount
      The account this VLAN is associated with.
    • getAdditionalPrimarySubnets
      The primary IPv4 subnets routed on this VLAN, excluding the primarySubnet.
    • getAttachedNetworkGateway
      The gateway device this VLAN is associated with for routing purposes.
    • getAttachedNetworkGatewayFlag
      A value of '1' indicates this VLAN is associated with a gateway device for routing purposes.
    • getAttachedNetworkGatewayVlan
      The gateway device VLAN context this VLAN is associated with for routing purposes.
    • getBillingItem
      The billing item for this VLAN.
    • getCancelFailureReasons
      Evaluates this VLAN for cancellation and returns a list of descriptions why this VLAN may not be cancelled. If the result is empty, this VLAN may be cancelled.
    • getDatacenter
      The datacenter this VLAN is associated with.
    • getDedicatedFirewallFlag
      A value of '1' indicates this VLAN is associated with a firewall device. This does not include Hardware Firewalls.
    • getExtensionRouter
      [DEPRECATED] The extension router that this VLAN is associated with.
    • getFirewallGuestNetworkComponents
      The VSI network interfaces connected to this VLAN and associated with a Hardware Firewall.
    • getFirewallInterfaces
      The context for the firewall device associated with this VLAN.
    • getFirewallNetworkComponents
      The uplinks of the hardware network interfaces connected natively to this VLAN and associated with a Hardware Firewall.
    • getFirewallProtectableIpAddresses
      *** DEPRECATED *** Retrieves the IP addresses routed on this VLAN that are protectable by a Hardware Firewall.
    • getFirewallProtectableSubnets
      *** DEPRECATED *** Retrieves the subnets routed on this VLAN that are protectable by a Hardware Firewall.
    • getFirewallRules
      The access rules for the firewall device associated with this VLAN.
    • getGuestNetworkComponents
      The VSI network interfaces connected to this VLAN.
    • getHardware
      The hardware with network interfaces connected natively to this VLAN.
    • getHighAvailabilityFirewallFlag
      A value of '1' indicates this VLAN is associated with a firewall device in a high availability configuration.
    • getIpAddressUsage
      Returns a list of IP address assignment details. Only assigned IP addresses are reported on. IP address assignments are presently only recorded and available for Primary Subnets. Details on the resource assigned to each IP address will only be provided to users with access to the underlying resource. If the user cannot access the resource, a detail record will still be returned for the assignment but without any accompanying resource data.
    • getLocalDiskStorageCapabilityFlag
      A value of '1' indicates this VLAN's pod has VSI local disk storage capability.
    • getNetworkComponents
      The hardware network interfaces connected natively to this VLAN.
    • getNetworkComponentsTrunkable
      The viable hardware network interface trunking targets of this VLAN. Viable targets include accessible components of assigned hardware in the same pod and network as this VLAN, which are not already connected, either natively or trunked.
    • getNetworkComponentTrunks
      The hardware network interfaces connected via trunk to this VLAN.
    • getNetworkSpace
      The network that this VLAN is on, either PUBLIC or PRIVATE, if applicable.
    • getNetworkVlanFirewall
      The firewall device associated with this VLAN.
    • getObject
      Retrieves a VLAN by its id value. Only VLANs assigned to your account are accessible.
    • getPodName
      The pod this VLAN is associated with.
    • getPrimaryRouter
      The router device that this VLAN is associated with.
    • getPrimarySubnet
      A primary IPv4 subnet routed on this VLAN, if accessible.
    • getPrimarySubnets
      All primary subnets routed on this VLAN.
    • getPrimarySubnetVersion6
      The primary IPv6 subnet routed on this VLAN, if IPv6 is enabled.
    • getPrivateNetworkGateways
      The gateway devices with connectivity supported by this private VLAN.
    • getPrivateVlan
      *** DEPRECATED *** Retrieves a private VLAN associated to one or more hosts also associated to this public VLAN.
    • getPrivateVlanByIpAddress
      *** DEPRECATED *** Retrieve the private network VLAN associated with an IP address.
    • getProtectedIpAddresses
      IP addresses routed on this VLAN which are actively associated with network protections.
    • getPublicNetworkGateways
      The gateway devices with connectivity supported by this public VLAN.
    • getPublicVlanByFqdn
      *** DEPRECATED *** Retrieves a public VLAN associated to the host matched by the given fully-qualified domain name.
    • getReverseDomainRecords
      *** DEPRECATED *** Retrieves DNS PTR records associated with IP addresses routed on this VLAN. Results will be grouped by DNS domain with the 'resourceRecords' property populated.
    • getSanStorageCapabilityFlag
      A value of '1' indicates this VLAN's pod has VSI SAN disk storage capability.
    • getSecondaryRouter
      [DEPRECATED] The secondary router device that this VLAN is associated with.
    • getSecondarySubnets
      All non-primary subnets routed on this VLAN.
    • getSubnets
      All subnets routed on this VLAN.
    • getTagReferences
      The tags associated to this VLAN.
    • getTotalPrimaryIpAddressCount
      The number of primary IPv4 addresses routed on this VLAN.
    • getType
      The type for this VLAN, with the following values: STANDARD, GATEWAY, INTERCONNECT
    • getVirtualGuests
      The VSIs with network interfaces connected to this VLAN.
    • getVlanForIpAddress
      Retrieves the VLAN on which the given IP address is routed.
    • setTags
      Tag a VLAN by passing in one or more tags separated by a comma. Tag references are cleared out every time this method is called. If your VLAN is already tagged you will need to pass the current tags along with any new ones. To remove all tag references pass an empty string. To remove one or more tags omit them from the tag list.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Vlan
      VLANs comprise the fundamental segmentation model on the network, isolating customer networks from one another. VLANs are scoped to a single network, generally public or private, and a pod. Through association to a single VLAN, assigned subnets are routed on the network to provide IP address connectivity. Compute devices are associated to a single VLAN per active network, to which the Primary IP Address and containing Primary Subnet belongs. Additional VLANs may be associated to bare metal devices using VLAN trunking. [VLAN at Wikipedia](
    • SoftLayer_Network_Vlan
      This service enables interaction with VLANs assigned to your account. Automatic VLANs are assigned as needed and are reclaimed when no longer in use. Premium VLANs are assigned when ordered and are reclaimed when cancelled. VLANs can be tagged for discoverability and tracking purposes. Refer to the following services and methods for related concepts and actions involving VLANs. - [SoftLayer_Network_Pod](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Pod) - [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet) - [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet::route](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet/route) - [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet::clearRoute](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet/clearRoute) - [SoftLayer_Network_Component::addNetworkVlanTrunks](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Network_Component/addNetworkVlanTrunks) - [SoftLayer_Network_Component::removeNetworkVlanTrunks](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Network_Component/removeNetworkVlanTrunks)
    • updateFirewallIntraVlanCommunication
      *** DEPRECATED *** Updates the firewall associated to this VLAN to allow or disallow intra-VLAN communication.
    • upgrade
      Converts this VLAN to a paid resource. This can be done for any Automatic VLAN. This operation can only be executed on an Automatic VLAN, and will transition it to being a Premium VLAN. The VLAN will then provide the benefits of a Premium VLAN. A Premium VLAN will remain on the account until cancelled. This operation cannot be undone! Once a VLAN becomes Premium, it can only be removed through cancellation, which will result in it being reclaimed. This operation is a convenience for utilizing the SoftLayer_Product_Order.placeOrder operation. It will place an order to upgrade the VLAN it is executed against. It will take a few moments for the order to be processed and the upgrade to complete. Note that the order is placed in such a way that any account state which prevents automatic order approval will prevent the order from being placed. Thus, if no error is received, the order was placed and approved, and the VLAN will be upgraded shortly.
