Items with tag softlayer_resource_metadata


    • getAccountId
      The getAccountId retrieves the ID for the account on which the resource is located.
    • getBackendMacAddresses
      The getBackendMacAddresses method retrieves a list of backend MAC addresses for the resource
    • getDatacenter
      The getDatacenter method retrieves the name of the datacenter in which the resource is located.
    • getDatacenterId
      The getDatacenterId retrieves the ID for the datacenter in which the resource is located.
    • getDomain
      The getDomain method retrieves the hostname for the resource.
    • getFrontendMacAddresses
      The getFrontendMacAddresses method retrieves a list of frontend MAC addresses for the resource
    • getFullyQualifiedDomainName
      The getFullyQualifiedDomainName method provides the user with a combined return which includes the hostname and domain for the resource. Because this method returns multiple pieces of information, it avoids the need to use multiple methods to return the desired information.
    • getGlobalIdentifier
      The getId getGlobalIdentifier retrieves the globalIdentifier for the resource
    • getHostname
      The getHostname method retrieves the hostname for the resource.
    • getId
      The getId method retrieves the ID for the resource
    • getPrimaryBackendIpAddress
      The getPrimaryBackendIpAddress method retrieves the primary backend IP address for the resource
    • getPrimaryIpAddress
      The getPrimaryIpAddress method retrieves the primary IP address for the resource. For resources with a frontend network, the frontend IP address will be returned. For resources that have been provisioned with only a backend network, the backend IP address will be returned, as a frontend address will not exist.
    • getProvisionState
      The getProvisionState method retrieves the provision state of the resource. The provision state may be used to determine when it is considered safe to perform additional setup operations. The method returns 'PROCESSING' to indicate the provision is in progress and 'COMPLETE' when the provision is complete.
    • getRouter
      The getRouter method will return the router associated with a network component. When the router is redundant, the hostname of the redundant group will be returned, rather than the router hostname.
    • getServiceResource
      The getServiceResource method retrieves a specific service resource associated with the resource. Service resources are additional resources that may be used by this resource.
    • getServiceResources
      The getServiceResources method retrieves all service resources associated with the resource. Service resources are additional resources that may be used by this resource. The output format is <type>=<address> for each service resource.
    • getTags
      The getTags method retrieves all tags associated with the resource. Tags are single keywords assigned to a resource that assist the user in identifying the resource and its roles when performing a simple search. Tags are assigned by any user with access to the resource.
    • getUserMetadata
      The getUserMetadata method retrieves metadata completed by users who interact with the resource. Metadata gathered using this method is unique to parameters set using the '''setUserMetadata''' method, which must be executed prior to completing this method. User metadata may also be provided while placing an order for a resource.
    • getVlanIds
      The getVlanIds method returns a list of VLAN IDs for the network component matching the provided MAC address associated with the resource. For each return, the native VLAN will appear first, followed by any trunked VLANs associated with the network component.
    • getVlans
      The getVlans method returns a list of VLAN numbers for the network component matching the provided MAC address associated with the resource. For each return, the native VLAN will appear first, followed by any trunked VLANs associated with the network component.
    • SoftLayer_Resource_Metadata
      The Resource Metadata service enables the user to obtain information regarding the resource from which the request originates. Due to the requirement that the request originate from the backend network of the resource, no API key is necessary to perform the request. The primary use of this service is to allow self-discovery for newly provisioned resources, enabling further automated setup by the user.
    • SoftLayer_Resource_Metadata
      The Resource Metadata service enables the user to obtain information regarding the resource from which the request originates. Due to the requirement that the request originate from the backend network of the resource, no API key is necessary to perform the request. The primary use of this service is to allow self-discovery for newly provisioned resources, enabling further automated setup by the user.