Items with tag softlayer_security_certificate_request


    • cancelSslOrder
      Cancels a pending SSL certificate order at the Certificate Authority
    • getAccount
      The account to which a SSL certificate request belongs.
    • getAdministratorEmailDomains
      Gets the email domains that can be used to validate a certificate to a domain.
    • getAdministratorEmailPrefixes
      Gets the email accounts that can be used to validate a certificate to a domain.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Security_Certificate_Request record.
    • getOrder
      The order contains the information related to a SSL certificate request.
    • getOrderItem
      The associated order item for this SSL certificate request.
    • getPreviousOrderData
      Returns previous SSL certificate order data. You can use this data for to place a renewal order for a completed SSL certificate.
    • getSslCertificateRequests
      Returns all the SSL certificate requests.
    • getStatus
      The status of a SSL certificate request.
    • resendEmail
      A Certificate Authority sends out various emails to your domain administrator or your technical contact. Use this service to have these emails re-sent.
    • SoftLayer_Security_Certificate_Request
      The SoftLayer_Security_Certificate_Request data type is used to view details about your SSL certificate order. This contains data that is required by a Certificate Authority to place an SSL certificate order.
    • SoftLayer_Security_Certificate_Request
      SoftLayer_Security_Certificate_Request holds your SSL certificate request data. This data is used to manage your SSL certificate order with a Certificate Authority. To create an SSL certificate order, pass a completed SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Security_Certificate to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder.
    • validateCsr
      Allows you to validate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) required for an SSL certificate with the certificate authority (CA). This method sends the CSR, the length of the subscription in months, the certificate type, and the server type for validation against requirements of the CA. Returns true if valid. More information on CSR generation can be found at: [ Wikipedia] [ DigiCert]