Items with tag softlayer_software_accountlicense


    • getAccount
      The customer account this Account License belongs to.
    • getAllObjects
      Return all account licenses
    • getBillingItem
      The billing item for a software account license.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Software_AccountLicense record.
    • getSoftwareDescription
      The SoftLayer_Software_Description that this account license is for.
    • SoftLayer_Software_AccountLicense
      SoftLayer_Software_AccountLicense is a class that represents software licenses that are tied only to a customer's account and not to any particular hardware, IP address, etc.
    • SoftLayer_Software_AccountLicense
      SoftLayer_Software_AccountLicense is the application class that handles a special type of Software License. Most software licenses are licensed to a specific hardware ID or IP address, this is tied to an account.