Items with tag softlayer_tag




    • autoComplete
      This function is responsible for setting the Tags values. The internal flag is set to 0 if the user is a customer, and 1 otherwise. AccountId is set to the account bound to the user, and the tags name is set to the clean version of the tag inputted by the user.
    • deleteTag
      Delete a tag for an object.
    • getAccount
      The account to which the tag is tied.
    • getAllTagTypes
      Returns all tags of a given object type.
    • getAttachedTagsForCurrentUser
      Get all tags with at least one reference attached to it for the current account. The total items header for this method contains the total number of attached tags even if a result limit is applied.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Tag record.
    • getReferences
      References that tie object to the tag.
    • getTagByTagName
      Returns the Tag object with a given name. The user types in the tag name and this method returns the tag with that name.
    • getUnattachedTagsForCurrentUser
      Get all tags with no references attached to it for the current account. The total items header for this method contains the total number of unattached tags even if a result limit is applied.
    • setTags
      Tag an object by passing in one or more tags separated by a comma. Tag references are cleared out every time this method is called. If your object is already tagged you will need to pass the current tags along with any new ones. To remove all tag references pass an empty string. To remove one or more tags omit them from the tag list. The characters permitted are A-Z, 0-9, whitespace, _ (underscore), - (hypen), . (period), and : (colon). All other characters will be stripped away. You must pass 3 string arguments into this method or you will receive an exception.
    • SoftLayer_Tag
      The SoftLayer_Tag data type is an optional type associated with hardware. The account ID that the tag is tied to, and the tag itself are stored in this data type. There is also a flag to denote whether the tag is internal or not.
    • SoftLayer_Tag
      SoftLayer's tagging service gives customers the ability to tag devices with keywords that can later be used to search upon.