Items with tag softlayer_user_customer_apiauthentication



    • editObject
      Edit the properties of customer ApiAuthentication record by passing in a modified instance of a SoftLayer_User_Customer_ApiAuthentication object. Only the ipAddressRestriction property can be modified.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_User_Customer_ApiAuthentication object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_User_Customer_ApiAuthentication service.
    • getUser
      The user who owns the api authentication key.
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_ApiAuthentication
      The SoftLayer_User_Customer_ApiAuthentication type contains user's authentication key(s).
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_ApiAuthentication
      An account's user may obtain access to SoftLayer's API through this authentication service.