Items with tag softlayer_virtual_storage_repository



    • Image Template Costs
      A ROUGH estimate for how much all the image templates on your account will cost.


    • getAccount
      The [SoftLayer_Account](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account) that a storage repository belongs to.
    • getArchiveDiskUsageRatePerGb
      Returns the archive storage disk usage fee rate per gigabyte.
    • getAverageDiskUsageMetricDataFromInfluxByDate
      Returns the average disk space usage for a storage repository.
    • getAverageUsageMetricDataByDate
      Returns the average disk space usage for a storage repository.
    • getBillingItem
      The current billing item for a storage repository.
    • getDatacenter
      The datacenter that a virtual storage repository resides in.
    • getDiskImages
      The [SoftLayer_Virtual_Disk_Image](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Disk_Image) that are in a storage repository. Disk images are the virtual hard drives for a virtual guest.
    • getGuests
      The computing instances that have disk images in a storage repository.
    • getMetricTrackingObject
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Virtual_Storage_Repository record.
    • getPublicImageBillingItem
      The current billing item for a public storage repository.
    • getPublicImageDiskUsageRatePerGb
      Returns the public image storage disk usage fee rate per gigabyte.
    • getStorageLocations
      Returns the public image storage locations.
    • getType
      A storage repository's [SoftLayer_Virtual_Storage_Repository_Type](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Storage_Repository_Type).
    • getUsageMetricDataByDate
      Retrieve disk usage data on a [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest) image for the time range you provide. Each data entry objects contain ''dateTime'' and ''counter'' properties. ''dateTime'' property indicates the time that the disk usage data was measured and ''counter'' property holds the disk usage in bytes.
    • getUsageMetricImageByDate
      Returns a disk usage image based on disk usage specified by the input parameters.
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Storage_Repository
      The SoftLayer_Virtual_Storage_Repository represents a web based storage system that can be accessed through many types of devices, interfaces, and other resources.
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Storage_Repository
      Storage Repositories are storage systems that are accessible through the internet and can be accessed through many types of devices, interfaces, and other resources such as NFS (Network File System). They can contain 1 or more [SoftLayer_Virtual_Disk_Image](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Disk_Image) and can be attached to more than one [SoftLayer_Virtual_Host](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Host).