// <copyright file="RemoveServers.cs" company="Softlayer">
// SoftLayer Technologies, Inc.
// </copyright>
// <license>
// </license>
namespace BandwidthPools
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class RemoveServers
/// <summary>
/// Remove servers from a bandwidth pool
/// This script removes servers from a bandwidth pool
/// </summary>
/// <manualPages>
/// </manualPages>
static void Main(string[] args)
// Your SoftLayer username
string username = "set me";
// You SoftLayer apiKey
string apiKey = "set me";
// Declare the Bandwidth pool id
int bandwidthPoolId = 236297;
// Declare a collection of servers to be assigned to a bandwidth pool
SoftLayer_Hardware[] hardwareToAdd = new SoftLayer_Hardware[]{};
// Declare a collection of servers to be unassigned from a allotment and assigned to the virtual private rack
SoftLayer_Hardware[] hardwareToRemove = new SoftLayer_Hardware[]{};
// Declare a collection of VSI to be assigned to a bandwidth pool
SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest[] cloudsToAdd = new SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest[] {};
// Declare a collection of VSI ids to be unassigned from an allotment and assigned to the virtual private rack
int[] cloudsToRemoveArray = { 13115425, 18223423 };
// Declare the bandwidth pool to move the servers to provided only for backwards compatibility
int optionalAllotmentId = 0;
// Declare a collection of application delivery controllers to be assigned to a bandwidth pool
SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller[] adcToAdd = new SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller[]{};
// Declare a collection of application delivery controllers to be unassigned from an allotment and assigned to the virtual private rack
SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller[] adcToRemove = new SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller[]{};
// Creating a connection to the SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allotment API service and
// bind our API username and key to it.
authenticate authenticate = new authenticate();
authenticate.username = username;
authenticate.apiKey = apiKey;
SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_AllotmentService allotmentService = new SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_AllotmentService();
allotmentService.authenticateValue = authenticate;
allotmentService.SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_AllotmentInitParametersValue = new SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_AllotmentInitParameters(); = bandwidthPoolId;
// Add Virtual Servers to the cloudsToRemove list, in order that they can be removed
List<SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest> cloudsToRemove = new List<SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest>();
foreach (var vsi in cloudsToRemoveArray)
SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest virtualGuest = new SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest(); = vsi;
virtualGuest.idSpecified = true;
// Remove the servers
bool result = allotmentService.requestVdrContentUpdates(hardwareToAdd, hardwareToRemove, cloudsToAdd, cloudsToRemove.ToArray(), optionalAllotmentId, adcToAdd, adcToRemove);
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Unable to remove servers: " + e.Message);