// <copyright file="UpdatePassword.cs" company="Softlayer">
// SoftLayer Technologies, Inc.
// </copyright>
// <license>
// http://sldn.softlayer.com/article/License
// </license>
namespace Users
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class UpdatePassword
/// <summary>
/// This script updates the passwords from users.
/// It's necessary to run the script with master user's credentials
/// For more information, review the following links:
/// </summary>
/// <manualPages>
/// http://sldn.softlayer.com/reference/services/SoftLayer_Account/getUsers
/// http://sldn.softlayer.com/reference/services/SoftLayer_User_Customer/updatePassword
/// http://sldn.softlayer.com/article/Object-Filters
/// </manualPages>
static void Main(string[] args)
//Your SoftLayer username
string username = "set me";
// Your SoftLayer apiKey
string apiKey = "set me";
// Declare the new portal password for users
string newPassword = "NewPassword123*-";
// Declare the usernames from users that you wish to update the password
List<string> usernameList = new List<string>();
// Creating a connection to the SoftLayer_User_Customer and SoftLayer_Account API services and bind our API username and key to it.
authenticate authenticate = new authenticate();
authenticate.username = username;
authenticate.apiKey = apiKey;
SoftLayer_User_CustomerService customerService = new SoftLayer_User_CustomerService();
customerService.authenticateValue = authenticate;
SoftLayer_AccountService accountService = new SoftLayer_AccountService();
accountService.authenticateValue = authenticate;
// Declare an object filter, to get the user ids from usernames
SoftLayer_AccountObjectFilter objectFilter = new SoftLayer_AccountObjectFilter();
objectFilter.users = new SoftLayer_User_CustomerObjectFilter();
objectFilter.users.username = new SoftLayer_Utility_ObjectFilter_Operation();
objectFilter.users.username.operation = "in";
objectFilter.users.username.options = new SoftLayer_Utility_ObjectFilter_Operation_Option[1];
objectFilter.users.username.options[0] = new SoftLayer_Utility_ObjectFilter_Operation_Option();
objectFilter.users.username.options[0].name = "data";
objectFilter.users.username.options[0].value = usernameList.ToArray();
accountService.SoftLayer_AccountObjectFilterValue = objectFilter;
SoftLayer_User_Customer[] users = accountService.getUsers();
foreach (var user in users)
// Setting init parameters
customerService.SoftLayer_User_CustomerInitParametersValue = new SoftLayer_User_CustomerInitParameters();
customerService.SoftLayer_User_CustomerInitParametersValue.id = (int)user.id;
// Update the password
bool result = customerService.updatePassword(newPassword);
Console.WriteLine("The password has been updated for user: " + user.username + " :? " + result);
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Unable to update password: " + e.Message);