November 23, 2017


Add firewall rules to the Firewall in a VSI.

Important manual pages:

Author: SoftLayer Technologies, Inc. <>
package main

import (

func main() {
	// SoftLayer API username and key
	username := "set me"
	apikey   := "set me"

	// The id of Virtual server you wish to retrieve it firewall rules
	vsiId := 33051333

	// Build the Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Rule object with the rules you want to add.
	rulesToAdd := []datatypes.Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Rule{
			Action                    : sl.String("permit"),
			Protocol                  : sl.String("tcp"),
			Version 	          : sl.Int(4),
			SourceIpAddress           : sl.String(""),
			DestinationIpAddress      : sl.String(""),
			SourceIpCidr              : sl.Int(16),
			OrderValue                : sl.Int(3),
			DestinationPortRangeStart : sl.Int(8081),
			DestinationPortRangeEnd   : sl.Int(8085),
			Action                    : sl.String("deny"),
			Protocol                  : sl.String("udp"),
			Version 	          : sl.Int(4),
			SourceIpAddress           : sl.String(""),
			DestinationIpAddress      : sl.String(""),
			SourceIpCidr              : sl.Int(16),
			OrderValue                : sl.Int(4),
			DestinationPortRangeStart : sl.Int(8081),
			DestinationPortRangeEnd   : sl.Int(8085),

	// Create SoftLayer API session
	sess := session.New(username, apikey)

	// Get SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest and SoftLayer_Network_Component_Firewall services
	guestService := services.GetVirtualGuestService(sess)
	firewallService := services.GetNetworkComponentFirewallService(sess)
	firewallUpdateService := services.GetNetworkFirewallUpdateRequestService(sess)

	// 1. Get Firewall Component from VSI
	firewall, err := guestService.Id(vsiId).GetFirewallServiceComponent()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("\n Unable to get firewall component:\n - %s\n", err)

	// 2. Retrieve all current rules
	oldRules, err := firewallService.Id(*firewall.Id).GetRules()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("\n Unable to get firewall rules:\n - %s\n", err)

	Previous step returns an array of SoftLayer_Network_Component_Firewall_Rule objects
	and we need to convert it to an array of SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Rule
	objects in order to join all rules. For that reason the method converTo() was created for
	this script.
	rules := convertToFirewallRules(oldRules).([]datatypes.Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Rule)

	// 3. Join the existent rules with the new rules to add.
	rulesToAdd = append(rules, rulesToAdd...)

	// 4. Build the skeleton of SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request that will be used to
	//    update the firewall rules
	template := datatypes.Network_Firewall_Update_Request {
		NetworkComponentFirewallId : sl.Int(*firewall.Id),
		Rules: rulesToAdd,

	// 5. Call to SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request::createObject() method in order to
	//    replace all firewall rules (update)
	updateRequest, err := firewallUpdateService.CreateObject(&template)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("\n Unable to replace/update all firewall rules:\n - %s\n", err)

	// Following helps to print the result in json format.
	jsonFormat, jsonErr := json.Marshal(updateRequest)
	if jsonErr != nil {

Following method converts an object type SoftLayer_Network_Component_Firewall_Rule to
func convertToFirewallRules(object interface{}) interface{} {

	var result []datatypes.Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Rule

	// Get the encoded JSON of object
	encoded, err := json.Marshal(object)
	if err != nil {

	// Inverse the encoded JSON and return an Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Rule
	if err := json.Unmarshal(encoded, &result); err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("%s\n", err)

	return result