Remove association between Vlan and Gateway device.
Important manual pages:
License: http://sldn.softlayer.com/article/License
Author: SoftLayer Technologies, Inc. <sldn@softlayer.com>
package main
import (
func main() {
// SoftLayer API username and key
username := "set me"
apikey := "set me"
// The id of gateway you wish to remove the association.
gatewayId := 61522
// The id of vlan you wish to remove the association. This should be associated to the
// gateway above. You can execute the method SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Vlan::getInsideVlans
// to verify it.
vlanId := 1502997
// Create a session
sess := session.New(username, apikey)
// Get SoftLayer_Network_Gateway and SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Vlan services
gatewayService := services.GetNetworkGatewayService(sess)
gatewayVlanService := services.GetNetworkGatewayVlanService(sess)
// Use filter to get the Network_Gateway_Vlan object
filter := filter.Path("insideVlans").In("networkVlanId").Eq(vlanId).Build()
// Call method getInsideVlans() method to get the Network_Gateway_Vlan object
gatewayVlans, err := gatewayService.Id(gatewayId).Filter(filter).GetInsideVlans()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("\n Unable to get inside vlans:\n - %s\n", err)
// Call to deleteObject() method to remove the association
deleteErr := gatewayVlanService.Id(*gatewayVlans[0].Id).DeleteObject()
if deleteErr != nil {
fmt.Printf("\n Unable to remove association:\n - %s\n", deleteErr)
fmt.Println("\n Selected Vlan was removed from association !!")