September 29, 2021

Golang Example Framework

Explains how to setup a simple CLI framework to copy/paste examples into and easily get going.

The framework for new golang examples will be a simple CLI application that you can copy / paste in commands individually as needed to hopefully help better understand how to work with the data returned from the SoftLayer API in a practicle manner.

To do all this, we first need to setup a basic framework project to add these commands into. We will be using the Cobra CLI framework for golang, letting us create an individual command for each example as we go along.

First, our project will be under And will have the following basic directory structure.

    • main.go
    • cmd/
      • root.go


The main.go file is very simple.

package main

import (
    // ""

func main() {


root.go is the “main” section of our new cli program, and is very basic.

package cmd

import (

var (
    rootCmd = &cobra.Command{
        Use:   "sl",
        Short: "An example CLI application for working with IBM Classic Infrastructure",
        Long: `A collection of example commands that can be easily used to better understand how
the SoftLayer API works in golang. Authentication is set with the SL_USERNAME and SL_API_KEY env variables, or the
~/.softlayer config file.`,

// Execute executes the root command.
func Execute() error {
    return rootCmd.Execute()

// Use this to setup anything for the whole command suite if needed.
func init() {}


server_list.go is our actual command that we will run

package cmd

import (



func init() {

var listServerCmd = &cobra.Command{
    Use:   "server-list",
    Short: "Lists all servers on the account",
    Long:  `Lists all servers on the account`,
    RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string)  error{
        return listServerCommand(cmd, args)

func listServerCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
    resultLimit := 5
    resultOffset := 0
    objectMask := "mask[id,hostname,domain,primaryIpAddress,primaryBackendIpAddress]"
    // When using a result Limit to break up your API request, its important to include an orderBy objectFilter
    // to enforce an order on the query, as the database might not always return results in the same order between
    // queries otherwise
    objectFilter := `{"hardware":{"id":{"operation":"orderBy","options":[{"name":"sort","value":["ASC"]}]}}}`
    // Sets up the session with authentication headers.
    sess := session.New()
    // uncomment to output API calls as they are made.
    // sess.Debug = true

    // creates a reference to the service object (SoftLayer_Account)
    service := services.GetAccountService(sess)

    // Sets the mask, filter, result limit, and then makes the API call SoftLayer_Account::getHardware()
    servers, err := service.Mask(objectMask).Filter(objectFilter).
    if err != nil {
        return err
    fmt.Printf("Id, Hostname, Domain, IP Address\n")
    for {
        for _, s := range servers {
            ipAddress := "-"
            if *s.PrimaryIpAddress != "" {
                ipAddress = *s.PrimaryIpAddress
            fmt.Printf("%v, %v, %v, %v\n", *s.Id, *s.Hostname, *s.Domain, ipAddress)
        // If we get less than the number of results we asked for, we are at the end of our server list
        if len(servers) < resultLimit {
        // Increment the offset to get next set of results
        resultOffset = resultOffset + resultLimit
        servers, err = service.Mask(objectMask).Filter(objectFilter).
        if err != nil {
            return err

    return nil

Putting Everything Together

with all those files in place (or just copied from the softlayer-go github) you should be able to compile and run this example CLI program.

cd $GOPATH/src/
go build
./examples server-list
Id, Hostname, Domain, IP Address
111111, host17.vmware,,
222222, host16.vmware,,

Now for any of the newer examples that return a cobra.Command object, you should just be able to copy/paste that into a file in the directory, compile this example and use it.