Order a block storage (endurance)
The script orders a block storage (endurance) device, with 40GB storage and 0.25 IOPS, it makes a
single call to SoftLayer_Product_Order::verifyOrder method which can be replaced by placeOrder().
Important manual pages:
License: http://sldn.softlayer.com/article/License
Author: SoftLayer Technologies, Inc. <sldn@softlayer.com>
package main
import (
func main() {
// SoftLayer API username and key
username := ""
apikey := "apikey_goes_here"
// Create a session.
sess := session.New(username, apikey)
// To get item prices and regions and order an endurance storage package ID is required
enduranceStoragePackageID := 240
// This method will return all regions where the package is available
getRegions(sess, enduranceStoragePackageID)
// This method will return all item prices that endurance storage package has available
getItemPrices(sess, enduranceStoragePackageID)
// This method will build a template to order an endurance storage and verify it
VerifyOrder(sess, enduranceStoragePackageID)
func getRegions(sess *session.Session, enduranceStoragePackageID int) {
// Get SoftLayer_Product_Package service.
service := services.GetProductPackageService(sess)
// Use GetRegions() method to return all regions where the package is available
regions, err := service.Id(enduranceStoragePackageID).GetRegions()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("\n Unable to get regions:\n - %s\n", err)
// Following helps to print the result in json format.
jsonFormat, jsonErr := json.MarshalIndent(regions, "", " ")
if jsonErr != nil {
func getItemPrices(sess *session.Session, enduranceStoragePackageID int) {
// Get SoftLayer_Product_Package service.
service := services.GetProductPackageService(sess)
// Use GetItemPrices() method to return all item prices that endurance storage package has available
itemPrices, err := service.Id(enduranceStoragePackageID).GetItemPrices()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("\n Unable to get item prices:\n - %s\n", err)
// Following helps to print the result in json format.
jsonFormat, jsonErr := json.MarshalIndent(itemPrices, "", " ")
if jsonErr != nil {
func VerifyOrder(sess *session.Session, enduranceStoragePackageID int) {
// Get SoftLayer_Product_Order service.
service := services.GetProductOrderService(sess)
// Declare the location, packageId and quantity for the storage you wish to order
// Use getRegions method to see other locations
quantity := 1
location := "TORONTO"
packageId := 240
osKeyName := "LINUX"
// Build a skeleton SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price objects. To get the list of valid
// prices for the package use the SoftLayer_Product_Package:getItemPrices method
prices := []datatypes.Product_Item_Price{
{Id: sl.Int(45098)}, // Block Storage
{Id: sl.Int(45058)}, // Endurance Storage
{Id: sl.Int(45148)}, // 40 GB Storage Space
{Id: sl.Int(45068)}, // 0.25 IOPS per GB
// This should match the OS type of the host(s) that will connect to the volume.
// The only required property is the keyName.
osFormatType := &datatypes.Network_Storage_Iscsi_OS_Type{
KeyName: sl.String(osKeyName),
// Build a Container_Product_Order_Network_PerformanceStorage object
templateOrder := datatypes.Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Enterprise{
Container_Product_Order: datatypes.Container_Product_Order{
Quantity: sl.Int(quantity),
Location: sl.String(location),
PackageId: sl.Int(packageId),
Prices: prices,
OsFormatType: osFormatType,
// Use verifyOrder() method to check for errors. Replace this with placeOrder() when
// you are ready to order.
receipt, err := service.VerifyOrder(&templateOrder)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("\n Unable to place order:\n - %s\n", err)
// Following helps to print the result in json format.
jsonFormat, jsonErr := json.MarshalIndent(receipt, "", " ")
if jsonErr != nil {