April 30, 2019

Order a Virtual Server

The example can be used to order a public, suspended, transit and dedicated virtual server

Note: See the Parameters struct to know what data you can set at order time.

package main

import (


// Create the session and services
var sess = session.New()
var packageService = services.GetProductPackageService(sess)
var orderService = services.GetProductOrderService(sess)

// Parameters will help us to reduce the number of argumments in a function
// and not all of them are required. e.g. hostID, reservedCapacityID,sshKeys, etc.
type Parameters struct {
	hostname           string
	domain             string
	pkgName            string
	flavor             string
	hourly             bool
	hostID             int // To order in an specific dedicated host
	reservedCapacityID int // To order in a reerved capacity
	location           string
	items              []string
	publicVlanID       int
	privateVlanID      int
	sshKeys            []int
	postScripts        []string

func main() {
	// KeyNames of the items
	items := []string{
	parameters := Parameters{
		hostname:      "myhostname",
		domain:        "domain.com",
		publicVlanID:  2068353,
		privateVlanID: 2068355,
		pkgName:     "SUSPEND_CLOUD_SERVER",
		flavor:      "M1_1X8X25", // Remove this if you want to order a CLOUD_SERVER
		location:    "DALLAS13",
		hourly:      true, // Suspended and transient vsis can only be hourly
		items:       items,
		sshKeys:     []int{1253845, 1312903},
		postScripts: []string{"https://xx.xx.xx.xx/folder/file.sh"},


// OrderVirtualServer place/verify the order
func OrderVirtualServer(args Parameters) {

	// Get the packageId and prices
	packageID := GetPackageID(args.pkgName)
	prices := GetPrices(*packageID, args.items)

	// Build the Virtual_Guest array object
	virtualGuests := BuildArrayVirtualGuests(args)

	// Build the Container_Product_Order with the basic required data
	containerOrder := datatypes.Container_Product_Order{
		PackageId:        packageID,
		Location:         sl.String(args.location),
		VirtualGuests:    virtualGuests,
		Prices:           prices,
		UseHourlyPricing: sl.Bool(args.hourly),
	// Add presetId to the Container_Product_Order if a flavor exists
	if args.flavor != "" {
		containerOrder.PresetId = GetPresetID(*packageID, args.flavor)
	// Add sshKeys if Parameters struct has this value set
	if len(args.sshKeys) > 0 {
		containerOrder.SshKeys = []datatypes.Container_Product_Order_SshKeys{
			{SshKeyIds: args.sshKeys},
	// Add post provision scripts if Parameters struct has this value set
	if len(args.postScripts) > 0 {
		containerOrder.ProvisionScripts = args.postScripts

	// Build the order template that will be used to order the virtual server
	orderTemplate := datatypes.Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest{
		Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server: datatypes.Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server{
			Container_Product_Order: containerOrder,

	// Add the hostId or reserved capacity if they were added in the parameters
	if args.hostID > 0 {
		orderTemplate.HostId = sl.Int(args.hostID)
	if args.reservedCapacityID > 0 {
		orderTemplate.ReservedCapacityId = sl.Int(args.reservedCapacityID)

	// Use verifyOrder() method to check for errors. Replace this with placeOrder() when
	// you are ready to order.
	receipt, err := orderService.VerifyOrder(&orderTemplate)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Unable to verify/place the order: %s", err)

	// pretty print
	jsonFormat, jsonErr := json.MarshalIndent(receipt, "", "   ")
	if jsonErr != nil {

// GetPackageID returns the package id
func GetPackageID(keyName string) *int {
	objFilter := filter.Path("keyName").Eq(keyName).Build()
	packages, err := packageService.Mask("mask[id]").Filter(objFilter).GetAllObjects()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Package %s doesn't exists\n", keyName)
	return packages[0].Id

// GetPresetID returns the presetID of a flavor
func GetPresetID(packageID int, flavor string) *int {
	objFilter := filter.Path("keyName").Eq(flavor).Build()
	presets, err := packageService.Filter(objFilter).Id(packageID).GetActivePresets()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Flavor %s doesn't exists\n", flavor)
	return presets[0].Id

// GetPrices returns the list of prices
func GetPrices(packageID int, itemKeyNames []string) []datatypes.Product_Item_Price {
	objMask := "mask[id,itemCategory,keyName,prices[categories]]"

	items, err := packageService.Mask(objMask).Id(packageID).GetItems()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Unable to retrieve items: %s\n", err)

	prices := make([]datatypes.Product_Item_Price, len(itemKeyNames))

	for idx, itemKeyName := range itemKeyNames {
		prices[idx].Id, err = GetPriceIDIfMatch(itemKeyName, items)
		if err != nil {

	return prices

// GetPriceIDIfMatch returns a priceID or error if keyName doesnt exists
func GetPriceIDIfMatch(keyName string, items []datatypes.Product_Item) (priceID *int, err error) {
	var matchingItem datatypes.Product_Item
	// find the item keyname
	for _, item := range items {
		if keyName == *item.KeyName {
			matchingItem = item
	// returns error if keyName doesn't exists in the items list
	if matchingItem.KeyName == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("The item %s doesn't exists in the package", keyName)
	// find the standard priceID
	for _, price := range matchingItem.Prices {
		if price.LocationGroupId == nil {
			priceID = price.Id


// BuildArrayVirtualGuests builds the esqueleton of Virtual_Guest array
func BuildArrayVirtualGuests(args Parameters) []datatypes.Virtual_Guest {
	virtualGuests := []datatypes.Virtual_Guest{
			Hostname: sl.String(args.hostname),
			Domain:   sl.String(args.domain),

	if args.privateVlanID > 0 {
		virtualGuests[0].PrimaryBackendNetworkComponent = &datatypes.Virtual_Guest_Network_Component{
			NetworkVlan: &datatypes.Network_Vlan{
				Id: sl.Int(args.privateVlanID),

	if args.publicVlanID > 0 {
		virtualGuests[0].PrimaryNetworkComponent = &datatypes.Virtual_Guest_Network_Component{
			NetworkVlan: &datatypes.Network_Vlan{
				Id: sl.Int(args.publicVlanID),
	return virtualGuests