July 12, 2021

More Bare Metal Server examples

Working with Bare Metal Server

A few examples on interacting with Bare Metal Server, SoftLayer_Hardware_Server.

package main

import (


// Session created using values set in the environment, or from the local configuration file (i.e. ~/.softlayer).
var sess = session.New()

type Dictionary map[string]string

func main() {

	// Shows all servers in the account.

	// Shows all available packages to order/create a Bare Metal server.

	// Shows just fast provision packages to order/create a Bare Metal server.

	// Shows available locations for the package and the items within the package.
	packageKeyname := "DUAL_E52600_V4_12_DRIVES"

	// Function to create a hardware server, it contains an example that could use as a template,
	// so changing the values within the example we can order a different server,
	// the functions provided above,
	// helps to get all available values to build an order for Bare Metal Server.

	//Shows some details for a Bare Metal Server.
	hostname := "server-hostname"

	// Edit some parameters for a server, just uncomment hostname and domain if you want to update them.
	paramsToEdit := Dictionary{
		"Notes": "My golang note",
		//"Hostaname": "NewHostname",
		//"Domain": "NewDomain",

	hostname = "server-hostname"
	editServer(hostname, paramsToEdit)

	// Cancel a bare metal server.
	// To make sure the server specified to cancel is the one you want
	// verify that the identifier passed to cancelServer is correct.
	hostname = "server-hostname-to-cancel"
	serverId := getServerId(hostname)

Creates a hardware server, it contains an example to build an order for a Bare Metal Server.
func serverCreate() {

	quantity := 1
	location := "TORONTO"

	// listServerPackages() shows all available package IDs as well as their key names.
	packageId := 553
	hostname := "test"
	domain := "example.com"

	server := []datatypes.Hardware{
			Hostname: sl.String(hostname),
			Domain:   sl.String(domain),

	required_items := []string{
	//We need bandwidth, at least 1 ip, and the port speed.
	network_items := []string{
	//A disk controller, a duplicate entry for each disk you want, in order, ram, OS and processor chip.
	physical_items := []string{

	orderItems := append(network_items, required_items...)
	orderItems = append(orderItems, physical_items...)
	// Build a skeleton SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price objects.
	prices := getItemPriceList(packageId, orderItems)

	// Build a container_Product_Order object.
	orderTemplate := datatypes.Container_Product_Order{
		Quantity:  sl.Int(quantity),
		Location:  sl.String(location),
		PackageId: sl.Int(packageId),
		Prices:    prices,
		Hardware:  server,
	// Get SoftLayer_Product_Order service.
	service := services.GetProductOrderService(sess)

	/* Use verifyOrder() method to check for errors.
	   Replace this with placeOrder() when you are ready to order.
	result, err := service.VerifyOrder(&orderTemplate)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("\n Unable to place order:\n - %s\n", err)


Converts a list of item keyNames to a list of standard item prices,
given package associated with the prices and a list of items KeyNames.
func getItemPriceList(packageId int, itemKeyNames []string) (resp []datatypes.Product_Item_Price) {

	items := getPackageItems(packageId)
	var prices []datatypes.Product_Item_Price

	for _, itemKeyName := range itemKeyNames {
		for _, item := range items {
			if (*item.KeyName) == itemKeyName {
				itemPrice := getStandardPrice(item)
				prices = append(prices, itemPrice)


	return prices

//Gets the items for the given package identifier.
func getPackageItems(packageId int) (resp []datatypes.Product_Item) {
	var mask = "id, itemCategory, keyName," +
		"prices[id, hourlyRecurringFee, recurringFee, categories]"
	var service = services.GetProductPackageService(sess)
	receipt, err := service.Id(packageId).Mask(mask).GetItems()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("\n Unable to get Items:\n - %s\n", err)

	return receipt

Prints the items and locations available in the given package
func listPackageDetails(keyname string) {

	// Get SoftLayer_Product_Package service
	service := services.GetProductPackageService(sess)
	filter := filter.Build(
	mask := "id, keyName, description, regions," +
		"items[id, keyName, description," +
		"prices[hourlyRecurringFee, recurringFee," +
		"capacityRestrictionMaximum, capacityRestrictionMinimum, capacityRestrictionType]]"
	// Call the method SoftLayer_Product_Package:getAllObjects
	packages, err := service.Filter(filter).Mask(mask).GetAllObjects()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("%s\n", err)
	productPackage := packages[0]


Prints the locations for a Product_Package.
func printLocations(packageInstance datatypes.Product_Package) {
	rows := []string{
	cmd := terminal.NewStdUI()
	table := cmd.Table(rows)
	for _, region := range packageInstance.Regions {
		keyname := sl.Get(region.Keyname).(string)
	cmd.Say("List of Locations")

Prints a list of product items.
func printItemsDetails(items []datatypes.Product_Item) {
	rows := []string{
		"restriction _ minimum _ maximum",
	cmd := terminal.NewStdUI()
	table := cmd.Table(rows)
	for _, item := range items {
		itemPrice := getStandardPrice(item)
		keyname := sl.Get(item.KeyName).(string)
		capacityRestrictionType := sl.Get(itemPrice.CapacityRestrictionType).(string)
		capacityRestrictionMinimum := sl.Get(itemPrice.CapacityRestrictionMinimum).(string)
		capacityRestrictionMaximum := sl.Get(itemPrice.CapacityRestrictionMaximum).(string)
		restriction := fmt.Sprintf("%s _ %s _ %s",
		hourly := true
		hourlyPrice := sl.Get(getFee(item, hourly)).(string)
		hourly = false
		monthlyPrice := sl.Get(getFee(item, hourly)).(string)
		table.Add(keyname, restriction, monthlyPrice, hourlyPrice)
	cmd.Say("List of product items")

Gets the HourlyRecurringFee or monthly RecurringFee from a Product_Item_Price.
func getFee(item datatypes.Product_Item, hourlyPriceFlag bool) (resp string) {

	itemPrice := getStandardPrice(item)

	if itemPrice.HourlyRecurringFee != nil && hourlyPriceFlag {
		return fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", *itemPrice.HourlyRecurringFee)

	if itemPrice.RecurringFee != nil && !hourlyPriceFlag {
		return fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", *itemPrice.RecurringFee)
	return "_"

Gets the standard Price from an item.
func getStandardPrice(item datatypes.Product_Item) (resp datatypes.Product_Item_Price) {
	for _, itemPrice := range item.Prices {
		if itemPrice.LocationGroupId == nil {
			return itemPrice
	return datatypes.Product_Item_Price{}


Prints the servers in the account.
func listServers() {

	// Get SoftLayer_Account service
	service := services.GetAccountService(sess)

	// Object-Mask in order to get specific data of server.
	mask := "id;hostname;primaryIpAddress;primaryBackendIpAddress;datacenter;" +

	// Call the getHardware() method.
	hardware, err := service.Mask(mask).GetHardware()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("\n Unable to get Bare Metal Servers:\n - %s\n", err)


Prints a list of servers
func printServers(servers []datatypes.Hardware) {
	rows := []string{"id", "hostname", "primary_ip", "backend_ip", "datacenter"}
	cmd := terminal.NewStdUI()
	table := cmd.Table(rows)
	for _, server := range servers {
		serverId := fmt.Sprintf("%d", server.Id)
		hostname := sl.Get(server.Hostname).(string)
		primaryIp := sl.Get(server.PrimaryIpAddress).(string)
		backendIp := sl.Get(server.PrimaryBackendIpAddress).(string)
		datacenter := sl.Get(server.DatacenterName).(string)

		table.Add(serverId, hostname, primaryIp, backendIp, datacenter)
	cmd.Say("List of Servers")

Prints the available Bare Metal Servers packages.
func listServerPackages() {

	// Get SoftLayer_Product_Package_Server service
	service := services.GetProductPackageServerService(sess)

	// To get all packages of servers available for ordering, we will use the following filter.
	filter := filter.Build(
	mask := "package"
	// Call the method SoftLayer_Product_Package_Server::getAllObjects
	productPackageServes, err := service.Filter(filter).Mask(mask).GetAllObjects()
	//productPackageServes, err := service.GetAllObjects()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("%s\n", err)


Prints the available Bare Metal Servers packages BARE_METAL_CPU_FAST_PROVISION type.
func listServerPackagesFastProvision() {

	// Get SoftLayer_Product_Package_Server service
	service := services.GetProductPackageServerService(sess)

	// In order to get all 'BARE_METAL_CPU_FAST_PROVISION' servers to order we will use the following filter
	filter := filter.Build(

	mask := "package"
	// Call the method SoftLayer_Product_Package_Server::getAllObjects
	productPackageServes, err := service.Filter(filter).Mask(mask).GetAllObjects()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("%s\n", err)

Prints the package details.
func printPackageDetails(productPackages []datatypes.Product_Package_Server) {
	rows := []string{"id", "keyname", "description"}
	cmd := terminal.NewStdUI()
	table := cmd.Table(rows)
	for _, productPackage := range productPackages {
		id := fmt.Sprintf("%d", *productPackage.PackageId)
		keyname := sl.Get(productPackage.Package.KeyName).(string)
		name := sl.Get(productPackage.ProductName).(string)

		table.Add(id, keyname, name)
	cmd.Say("Package details")

Edit note, hostname, and domain of a hardware server
func editServer(serverName string, params Dictionary) {

	// Define the new local properties to set. While we're only editing a server's notes
	// in this example you can also use editObject() to edit the server's hostname and domain.
	objectTemplate := datatypes.Hardware_Server{}

	if notes, ok := params["Notes"]; ok {
		objectTemplate.Notes = sl.String(notes)
	if hostname, ok := params["Hostname"]; ok {
		objectTemplate.Notes = sl.String(hostname)
	if domain, ok := params["Domain"]; ok {
		objectTemplate.Notes = sl.String(domain)

	hardwareService := services.GetHardwareServerService(sess)
	serverId := getServerId(serverName)

	result, err := hardwareService.Id(serverId).EditObject(&objectTemplate)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("\n Unable to edit the server '"+serverName+"'\n - %s\n", err)

	if result {
		fmt.Printf("\n Server '%s' was successfuly edited\n", serverName)


Prints server details by server identifier
func serverDetails(identifier interface{}) {
	serverId := 0
	switch identifier := identifier.(type) {
	case int:
		serverId = identifier
	case string:
		hostname := identifier
		serverId = getServerId(hostname)

	mask := "id, hostname, domain, globalIdentifier, fullyQualifiedDomainName, hardwareStatus," +
		"processorPhysicalCoreAmount, memoryCapacity, primaryBackendIpAddress, primaryIpAddress," +
		"networkManagementIpAddress, datacenter," +
		"operatingSystem[softwareLicense[softwareDescription[manufacturer, name, version, referenceCode]]]," +
		"billingItem[id, nextInvoiceTotalRecurringAmount, children[nextInvoiceTotalRecurringAmount]," +
		"orderItem.order.userRecord[username]], tagReferences[id, tag[name, id]], notes"

	server := getServerIntance(serverId, mask)

Gets the identifier of a server from the hostname.
func getServerId(hostname string) (resp int) {
	accountService := services.GetAccountService(sess)
	// Following filter and mask helps to get the ID of bare metal server
	filter := filter.Build(filter.Path("hardware.hostname").Eq(hostname))
	mask := "id;hostname"

	// Call the getHardware() method to get list of servers that matches with the filter
	hardware, err := accountService.Mask(mask).Filter(filter).GetHardware()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("\n Unable to find server '"+hostname+"'\n - %s\n", err)

	// If server name was not found we throw a message
	if len(hardware) < 1 {
		fmt.Printf("\n Unable to find server '%s'\n", hostname)
	return *hardware[0].Id

Prints server details
func printServerDetail(server datatypes.Hardware_Server) {
	rows := []string{"Name", "Value"}
	cmd := terminal.NewStdUI()
	table := cmd.Table(rows)
	table.Add("ID", fmt.Sprintf("%d", *server.Id))
	table.Add("GUID", sl.Get(server.GlobalIdentifier).(string))
	table.Add("Hostname", sl.Get(server.Hostname).(string))
	table.Add("Domain", sl.Get(server.Domain).(string))
	table.Add("FQDN", sl.Get(server.FullyQualifiedDomainName).(string))
	if server.HardwareStatus != nil {
		table.Add("Status", sl.Get(server.HardwareStatus.Status).(string))
	if server.Datacenter != nil {
		table.Add("Datacenter", sl.Get(server.Datacenter.Name).(string))
	table.Add("CPU cores", fmt.Sprintf("%d", *server.ProcessorPhysicalCoreAmount))
	table.Add("Memory", (fmt.Sprintf("%d", *server.MemoryCapacity) + "GB"))
	table.Add("Public IP", sl.Get(server.PrimaryIpAddress).(string))
	table.Add("Private IP", sl.Get(server.PrimaryBackendIpAddress).(string))
	table.Add("IPMI IP", sl.Get(server.NetworkManagementIpAddress).(string))
	if server.OperatingSystem != nil &&
		server.OperatingSystem.SoftwareLicense != nil &&
		server.OperatingSystem.SoftwareLicense.SoftwareDescription != nil {
		table.Add("OS version",
	if server.Notes != nil && *server.Notes != "" {
		table.Add("Note", sl.Get(server.Notes).(string))
	cmd.Say("Server details")

Prints the data as format JSON.
func printAsJsonFormat(data interface{}) {
	jsonData, jsonErr := json.MarshalIndent(data, "", "    ")
	if jsonErr != nil {

Cancel a bare metal server.
The server will be canceled immediately if it is billed Hourly,
for the Monthly server, the cancellation will be made after the next bill date.

func cancelServer(serverId int) {

	// In order to cancel billing item of server we need to set following values
	cancelAssociatedBillingItems := false
	reason := "No longer needed"
	customerNote := "BMS - canceled"

	// Get SoftLayer_Billing_Item service
	billingService := services.GetBillingItemService(sess)
	mask := "id;hostname;billingItem;hourlyBillingFlag"
	server := getServerIntance(serverId, mask)

	// If server is billed hourly it will be canceled immediately, for monthly server
	// the cancellation will be made after next bill date.
	cancelImmediately := server.HourlyBillingFlag

	// Call the cancelItem() method in order to cancel the bare metal server
	result, err := billingService.Id(*server.BillingItem.Id).CancelItem(cancelImmediately,
		&cancelAssociatedBillingItems, &reason, &customerNote)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("\n Unable to cancel the server '%d' \n - %s\n", serverId, err)

	// Print final result
	if result {
		fmt.Printf("\n Server '%d' was successfuly cancelled\n", serverId)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("\n Server '%d' could not be cancelled\n", serverId)


//Gets the server instance by identifier using a specific object mask.
func getServerIntance(serverId int, mask string) (resp datatypes.Hardware_Server) {

	hardwareService := services.GetHardwareServerService(sess)
	server, err := hardwareService.Id(serverId).Mask(mask).GetObject()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("\n Unable to get server \n - %s\n", err)
	return server
