Release Notes

February 23, 2017


  • Portal Exception message was unclear when a user without ’ticket add’ and ’ticket view’ permissions tried to create an upgrade order. New change accurately indicates that the user must have these two permissions in order to create an upgrade order.


  • None


  • Fixed two separate bugs in Endurance and Performance Storage provisioning where provisions were stalling due to API call timeout.

February 16, 2017


  • Resolved an issue that was preventing punny code domains from being added using the ‘Add Bulk Domains’ tool in the customer portal.


  • None


  • Added some backend code to help automation issues related to sending automated password reset emails.

February 8, 2017


  • Added a customerWaitTime field on the ticket search page in the customer portal. The customerWaitTime is the time the customer has been waiting for a response on a ticket. Multiple updates by the customer have no effect on this field and a reply by an employee resets the timer to zero.
  • Pushed fix that tests that only numbers, letters, and spaces are allowed for all of the titles for contacts when trying to order an SSL certificate. The Symantec API does not accept any special characters in the ’title’ field for contact information and this was causing orders to fail.


  • None


  • Resolved a bug preventing OS reloads from having partitions if reloading from a Customer Supplied OS (NO OS System).

January 25, 2017


  • Fixed an issue where the “Add to Order” button overlaps dropdown list content when the list is too long



  • Resolved an issue that was causing Virtual Guests to fail reboot when residing on a host that has been marked as disabled for new instances.
  • Fixed an issue that caused

January 12, 2017


  • Pushed code to display the correct validation error when a number greater than 999 is used in the % field of Auto-Scaling policy actions. Previously a generic error message was displayed.


  • None


  • Updatd our Microsoft Proxy to handle new TLS requirements by .NET. A recent update to .NET for windows 2012 r2 added a much more strict TLS validation for powershell which in turn caused Post Install Scripts to fail during download.

January 5, 2017


  • Pushed code to fix an issue that was causing an incorrect success message to be displayed when a user that has disabled/vpn only status clicked the Unlink button.
  • Updated code to correct an error caused by a previously set VAT ID to be reported when the country selected does not use VAT.
  • Updated the customer portal Order Form to include the new Cloud Object Storage general release offering.


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December 20, 2016


  • Added VAT id support for Belarus.
  • Added code to cleanup tag references on Virtual Guests/NetScalers/Image templates that have been deleted from a customers account.
  • Added firewall verification during server orders that checks if a selected VLAN is eligible to be used with a server hardware firewall.
  • Added code to filter out firewall-ineligible VLANs in VLAN selection on the order form when a server hardware firewall is being ordered.


  • None


  • Resolved an issue that was causing accounts to become locked when linking more than 7 accounts to an IBMId in a 30 minute window.
  • Fixed a bug that was stripping the underscore character from CNAME records hosted on the SoftLayer DNS system.

December 7, 2016


  • None


  • Resolved an issue where SoftLayer_Brand::createObject requests coming in from the API were not creating an associated SoftLayer_Policy_Brand record. This bug resulted in user accounts created under the new brand to be unable to log in to the customer portal.


  • None

November 14, 2016


  • Corrected an issue on the Bluemix order forms where the order form content appear in a different language based on the language cookie. The order forms are set to English until all language translations have been completed.
  • Increased the space allowed for addresses when making payments via PayPal. The shorter space was causing PayPal transactions to fail when an account used a bunch of unicode characters.
  • Fixed an issue where users might be immediately logged out after navigating to the order forms due to a non-public API call.


  • None


  • None

November 8, 2016


  • Improved the ordering form performance when provisioning (Beta) Object Storage offerings.


  • None


  • Pushed code that would stop the sending of order completed and approved emails for Bluemix services on Linked Accounts.
  • Resolved an issue that was causing Guest disk billing items to have incorrect category codes after an OS reload order was placed.