* Edit Scale Group
* This script edits scale group. The name, minimumMemberCount and maximumMemberCount fields can be edited at any time.
* Important manual pages:
* @see http://sldn.softlayer.com/reference/services/SoftLayer_Scale_Group/editObject
* @see http://sldn.softlayer.com/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Scale_Group
* @license <http://sldn.softlayer.com/wiki/index.php/license>
* @author SoftLayer Technologies, Inc. <sldn@softlayer.com>
require_once "C:/PhpSoftLayer/SoftLayer/SoftLayer/SoapClient.class.php";
* Your SoftLayer API username
* @var string
$username = "set me";
* Your SoftLayer API key
* Generate one at: https://control.softlayer.com/account/users
* @var string
$apiKey = "set me";
* The Scale Group name that you wish to edit
* They are displayed in the following link: https://control.softlayer.com/autoscale
* @var string
$groupName = "set me with Auto Scale Group name";
* Build a SoftLayer_Scale_Group object with properties that you want to edit
* @var int $cooldown - The number of seconds this group will wait after lastActionDate before performing another action
* @var int $maximumMemberCount - The greatest number of virtual guest members that are allowed on this group
* @var int $minimumMemberCount - The fewest number of virtual guest members that are allowed on this group
* @var string $name - The name of this scale group. It must be unique on the account.
$cooldown = 84;
$name = "set me with new name";
$maximumMemberCount = 27;
$minimumMemberCount = 2;
// Create a SoftLayer API client object for "SoftLayer_Account" and "SoftLayer_Scale_Group" services
$account = SoftLayer_SoapClient::getClient("SoftLayer_Account", null, $username, $apiKey);
$client = SoftLayer_SoapClient::getClient("SoftLayer_Scale_Group", null, $username, $apiKey);
// Define an objectFilter to filter the scale group by name
$filter = new stdClass();
$filter -> scaleGroups = new stdClass();
$filter -> scaleGroups -> name = new stdClass();
$filter -> scaleGroups -> name -> operation = "_=" . $groupName;
$account -> setObjectFilter($filter);
// It is possible to edit a member configuration from scale group, you can edit the following template
$virtualTemplate = new stdClass();
$virtualTemplate -> hourlyBillingFlag = True;
$virtualTemplate -> hostname = "hosname";
$virtualTemplate -> domain = "softlayer.com";
$virtualTemplate -> startCpus = 4;
$virtualTemplate -> maxMemory = 2048;
$virtualTemplate -> localDiskFlag = false;
$virtualTemplate -> operatingSystemReferenceCode = "UBUNTU_LATEST";
$virtualTemplate -> privateNetworkOnlyFlag = false;
// Build a SoftLayer_Scale_Group template which will be used for edit.
$scaleGroup = new stdClass();
$scaleGroup -> cooldown = $cooldown;
$scaleGroup -> maximumMemberCount = $maximumMemberCount;
$scaleGroup -> minimumMemberCount = $minimumMemberCount;
$scaleGroup -> name = $name;
$scaleGroup -> virtualGuestMemberTemplate = $virtualTemplate;
try {
// Get Scale Groups
$result = $account -> getScaleGroups();
// Set init parameter, to edit scale group
$client -> setInitParameter($result[0] -> id);
$result = $client -> editObject($scaleGroup);
print_r("Scale Group " . $groupName . " was edited?: " . $result);
} catch(Exception $e) {
echo "Unable to edit Scale Group" . $e -> getMessage();