November 23, 2017


 * Reboot Virtual Guest.
 * Power cycle a virtual guest.
 * Important manual pages:
 * @license <>
 * @author SoftLayer Technologies, Inc. <>
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/SoftLayer/SoapClient.class.php');

 * Set your SoftLayer API username and key.
 * */
$apiUsername = 'set me';
$apiKey = 'set me';

 * Set the service to use.
$serviceName ='SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest';

 * Set the server id that you wish to reboot.
$serverId = 7991612;

 * Create a client to the SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest API service.
$client = SoftLayer_SoapClient::getClient($serviceName, $serverId, $apiUsername, $apiKey);

 * Call the rebootDefault() method from SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest.
 * The expected result after executing the script is 1 (true).
try {
     * Rebooting the Virtual Guest.
    $result = $client->rebootDefault();

} catch(Exception $e) {
    echo "Unable to reboot the server: " . $e -> getMessage();