November 23, 2017


* This method removes a service into service group. It is only necessary to specify the "Vip Address" 
 * from load balancer and "Virtual Port" from the service group and the "Dest. Port" from service that 
 * you wish to delete. This script allows to remove multiple services, you only need to specify the 
 * "Dest. Port" from services in $destPorts array.
 * Important manual pages:
 * @see
 * @see
 * @see
 * @see
 * @license <>
 * @author SoftLayer Technologies, Inc. <>
require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

 * Your SoftLayer API username
 * @var string
$username = "set me";

 * Your SoftLayer API key
 * Generate one at:
 * @var string
$apiKey = "set me";

 * Define the "VIP Address" from load balancer to which the service belongs to
 * @var string
$vipAddress = "";

 * Define the "Virtual Port" to which the service belongs to
 * @var int
$virtualPort = 80;

 * Define the "Dest. Port" from the service or services that you wish to delete
 $destPorts = array(815, 816, 817, 812, 80000, 8000);

// Create a SoftLayer API client object to the "SoftLayer_Account" and "SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Service" services
$accountService = \SoftLayer\SoapClient::getClient('SoftLayer_Account', null, $username, $apiKey);
$serviceService = \SoftLayer\SoapClient::getClient('SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Service', null, $username, $apiKey);

// Declare an object filter
$filter = new stdClass();
$filter -> adcLoadBalancers = new stdClass();
$filter -> adcLoadBalancers -> ipAddress = new stdClass();
$filter -> adcLoadBalancers -> ipAddress -> ipAddress = new stdClass();
$filter -> adcLoadBalancers -> ipAddress -> ipAddress -> operation = $vipAddress;
$accountService -> setObjectFilter($filter);

// Define an object mask, to get additional information for load balancer
$objectMask = "mask[virtualServers[serviceGroups[services[healthChecks[type], groups, groupReferences, ipAddress]]]]";
$accountService -> setObjectMask($objectMask);

try {
	// Get Load Balancer
	$loadBalancers = $accountService -> getAdcLoadBalancers();
	foreach($loadBalancers[0] -> virtualServers as $virtualServer)
		if($virtualServer -> port == $virtualPort)
			foreach($virtualServer -> serviceGroups as $serviceGroup)
				foreach($destPorts as $destPort)
					$removeFlag = true;
					foreach($serviceGroup -> services as $service)					
						if($service -> port == $destPort)
							$serviceService -> setInitParameter($service -> id);
							$result = $serviceService -> deleteObject();
							echo "Has been the '" . $destPort . "' (Dest. Port) service deleted?: " . $result . "\n";
							$removeFlag = false;
						echo "The ". $destPort . " Dest. Port doesn't exists.\n";
} catch(Exception $e) {
	echo "Unable to remove the service: " . $e -> getMessage();


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