Read up on the PHP article for information on how to setup the CLI Framework to get this code to run easily.
This script makes a paginated API call to SoftLayer_Billing_Item::cancelItem().
* Cancel a Subnet.
* This script cancels a network subnet using its billing Item.
* Important manual pages:
* @license <>
* @author SoftLayer Technologies, Inc. <>
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/SoftLayer/SoapClient.class.php');
* Set your SoftLayer API username and key.
$apiUsername = 'set me';
$apiKey = 'set me';
* Set the services to use
$subnetService ='SoftLayer_Network_Subnet';
$billingItemService = 'SoftLayer_Billing_Item';
$subnetId = 207873;
* Create a client to the API service.
$subnetClient = SoftLayer_SoapClient::getClient($subnetService, $subnetId, $apiUsername, $apiKey);
try {
* Get the Global IP record
$subnetResult = $subnetClient->getBillingItem();
$billingItemId = $subnetResult->{'id'};
try {
$billingItemClient = SoftLayer_SoapClient::getClient($billingItemService, $billingItemId, $apiUsername, $apiKey);
$result = $billingItemClient->cancelItem( False,
'No longer needed',
'Api test');
} catch(Exception $e) {
echo 'Unable to cancel the Subnet: ' . $e->getMessage();
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Failed ... Unable to get billing item of Subnet: ' . $e->getMessage();
This script makes a paginated API call to SoftLayer_Network_Vlan::getSubnets().
* Retrieve the subnets for a VLAN
* Retrieve all the subnets for a determinate VLAN
* associated with a SoftLayer customer account
* We do this with a call to the getSubnets() method in the
* SoftLayer_Network_Vlan API service. See below for more details.
* Important manual pages:
* License:
* Author: SoftLayer Technologies, Inc. <>
require_once ('SoftLayer/SoapClient.class.php');
// Your SoftLayer API username and key.
$apiUsername = 'set me';
$apiKey = 'set me';
// The VLAN id you wish to see its subnets
$vlanId = 557984;
// Declaring the API client
$networkVlanService = Softlayer_SoapClient::getClient('SoftLayer_Network_Vlan', null, $apiUsername, $apiKey);
// Sending the request to get the subnets
try {
$result = $networkVlanService->getSubnets();
} catch (Exception $e) {
die('Unable to retrieve the subnets. ' . $e->getMessage());
This script makes a paginated API call to SoftLayer_Account::getSubnets().
* List Subnets.
* It retrieves all network subnets associated with an account.
* Important manual pages:
* @license <>
* @author SoftLayer Technologies, Inc. <>
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/SoftLayer/SoapClient.class.php');
* Set your SoftLayer API username and key.
$apiUsername = 'set me';
$apiKey = 'set me';
* Set the service to use
$serviceName ='SoftLayer_Account';
* Create a client to the API service.
$client = SoftLayer_SoapClient::getClient($serviceName, null, $apiUsername, $apiKey);
try {
$receipt = $client->getSubnets();
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Unable to get Subnet list: ' . $e->getMessage();
This script makes a paginated API call to SoftLayer_Network_Storage::allowAccessFromSubnet().
* Allow Access From Subnet. It is only allowed for File Network Storages.
* Important manual pages:
* @see
* @see
* @see
* @license <>
* @author SoftLayer Technologies, Inc. <>
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/SoftLayer/SoapClient.class.php";
* Your SoftLayer API username
* @var string
$username = "set me";
* Your SoftLayer API key
* Generate one at:
* @var string
$apiKey = "set me";
// Create a SoftLayer API client object to the "SoftLayer_Network_Storage" service
$storageService = SoftLayer_SoapClient::getClient("SoftLayer_Network_Storage", null, $username, $apiKey);
// Setting init parameters
$storageService -> setInitParameter(4494879);
// Build a SoftLayer_Network_Subnet object
$subnet = new stdClass();
$subnet -> id = 400241;
try {
$receipt = $storageService -> allowAccessFromSubnet($subnet);
} catch(Exception $e) {
echo "Unable to allow access from Subnet: " . $e -> getMessage();
These scripts make a paginated API call to SoftLayer_Product_Order::verifyOrder().
* Create Portable Public Subnet.
* Important manual pages:
* @license <>
* @author SoftLayer Technologies, Inc. <>
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/SoftLayer/SoapClient.class.php');
* Set your SoftLayer API username and key.
$apiUsername = 'set me';
$apiKey = 'set me';
* Set the service to use
$serviceName ='SoftLayer_Product_Order';
$priceId = 13980;
* Set a VLAN to establish where the new IP addresses are routed.
* @var int
$endPointVlanId = 331044;
* The number of subnets you wish to order
* @var int;
$quantity = 1;
// Build a SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Subnet object containing
// the order you wish to place. Subnet's don't have a package, so set packageId
// to 0. Since this order is for one item with no sub-options you only have to
// set a single price id in this order.
$orderTemplate = new stdClass();
$orderTemplate->packageId = 0;
$orderTemplate->prices = array();
$orderTemplate->prices[0] = new stdClass();
$orderTemplate->prices[0]->id = $priceId;
$orderTemplate->endPointVlanId = $endPointVlanId;
$orderTemplate->quantity = $quantity;
$orderTemplate->itemCategoryQuestionAnswers = array();
// the item category question answers
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer = new stdClass();
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->categoryId = 313;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->categoryCode = 'sov_sec_ip_addresses_pub';
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->questionId = 14;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->answer = '1'; // TOTAL_IPS_IN_30_DAYS
$orderTemplate->itemCategoryQuestionAnswers[] = $itemCategoryQuestionAnswer;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer = new stdClass();
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->categoryId = 313;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->categoryCode = 'sov_sec_ip_addresses_pub';
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->questionId = 15;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->answer = '3'; // # TOTAL_IPS_IN_12_MONTHS
$orderTemplate->itemCategoryQuestionAnswers[] = $itemCategoryQuestionAnswer;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer = new stdClass();
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->categoryId = 313;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->categoryCode = 'sov_sec_ip_addresses_pub';
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->questionId = 16;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->answer = 'Reason for IPs'; // REASON_FOR_IPS
$orderTemplate->itemCategoryQuestionAnswers[] = $itemCategoryQuestionAnswer;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer = new stdClass();
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->categoryId = 313;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->categoryCode = 'sov_sec_ip_addresses_pub';
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->questionId = 9;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->answer = 'Contact Name'; // CONTACT_NAME
$orderTemplate->itemCategoryQuestionAnswers[] = $itemCategoryQuestionAnswer;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer = new stdClass();
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->categoryId = 313;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->categoryCode = 'sov_sec_ip_addresses_pub';
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->questionId = 10;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->answer = 'Contact Job Title'; // # CONTACT_JOB_TITLE
$orderTemplate->itemCategoryQuestionAnswers[] = $itemCategoryQuestionAnswer;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer = new stdClass();
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->categoryId = 313;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->categoryCode = 'sov_sec_ip_addresses_pub';
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->questionId = 11;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->answer = ''; // # CONTACT_EMAIL
$orderTemplate->itemCategoryQuestionAnswers[] = $itemCategoryQuestionAnswer;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer = new stdClass();
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->categoryId = 313;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->categoryCode = 'sov_sec_ip_addresses_pub';
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->questionId = 12;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->answer = '77778727'; // # CONTACT_PHONE_NUMBER
$orderTemplate->itemCategoryQuestionAnswers[] = $itemCategoryQuestionAnswer;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer = new stdClass();
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->categoryId = 313;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->categoryCode = 'sov_sec_ip_addresses_pub';
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->questionId = 13;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->answer = true; // CONTACT_VALIDATED - I agree that the contact information is current and valid.
$orderTemplate->itemCategoryQuestionAnswers[] = $itemCategoryQuestionAnswer;
* Create a client to the API service.
$client = SoftLayer_SoapClient::getClient($serviceName, null, $apiUsername, $apiKey);
// Create a SoftLayer API client object to the SoftLayer_Product_Order service.
$client = SoftLayer_SoapClient::getClient
// Place the order for the new subnet.
try {
// Re-declare the order template as a SOAP variable, so the SoftLayer
// ordering system knows what type of order you're placing.
$orderTemplate = new SoapVar
// verifyOrder() will check your order for errors. Replace this with a call
// to placeOrder() when you're ready to order. Both calls return a receipt
// object that you can use for your records.
// Once your order is placed it'll go through SoftLayer's approval and
// provisioning process. When it's done you'll have a new
// SoftLayer_Network_Subnet object ready to use.
$receipt = $client->verifyOrder($orderTemplate);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Unable to place subnet order: ' . $e->getMessage();
* Create Static Public Subnet.
* It orders a new static public subnet
* Important manual pages:
* @license <>
* @author SoftLayer Technologies, Inc. <>
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/SoftLayer/SoapClient.class.php');
* Set your SoftLayer API username and key.
$apiUsername = 'set me';
$apiKey = 'set me';
* Set the service to use
$serviceName ='SoftLayer_Product_Order';
$priceId = 13983;
* The id of the IP address that you want to route a static subnet to.
* @var int
$endPointIpAddressId = 37587549;
* The number of subnets you wish to order
* @var int;
$quantity = 1;
// Build a SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Subnet object containing
// the order you wish to place. Subnet's don't have a package, so set packageId
// to 0. Since this order is for one item with no sub-options you only have to
// set a single price id in this order.
$orderTemplate = new stdClass();
$orderTemplate->packageId = 0;
$orderTemplate->prices = array();
$orderTemplate->prices[0] = new stdClass();
$orderTemplate->prices[0]->id = $priceId;
$orderTemplate->endPointIpAddressId = $endPointIpAddressId;
$orderTemplate->quantity = $quantity;
$orderTemplate->itemCategoryQuestionAnswers = array();
// the item category question answers
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer = new stdClass();
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->categoryId = 53;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->categoryCode = 'static_sec_ip_addresses';
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->questionId = 14;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->answer = '1'; // TOTAL_IPS_IN_30_DAYS
$orderTemplate->itemCategoryQuestionAnswers[] = $itemCategoryQuestionAnswer;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer = new stdClass();
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->categoryId = 53;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->categoryCode = 'static_sec_ip_addresses';
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->questionId = 15;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->answer = '1'; // TOTAL_IPS_IN_12_MONTHS
$orderTemplate->itemCategoryQuestionAnswers[] = $itemCategoryQuestionAnswer;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer = new stdClass();
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->categoryId = 53;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->categoryCode = 'static_sec_ip_addresses';
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->questionId = 9;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->answer = 'ContactJobTitle'; // CONTACT_JOB_TITLE
$orderTemplate->itemCategoryQuestionAnswers[] = $itemCategoryQuestionAnswer;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer = new stdClass();
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->categoryId = 53;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->categoryCode = 'static_sec_ip_addresses';
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->questionId = 11;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->answer = ''; // CONTACT_EMAIL
$orderTemplate->itemCategoryQuestionAnswers[] = $itemCategoryQuestionAnswer;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer = new stdClass();
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->categoryId = 53;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->categoryCode = 'static_sec_ip_addresses';
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->questionId = 12;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->answer = '77778727'; // CONTACT_PHONE_NUMBER
$orderTemplate->itemCategoryQuestionAnswers[] = $itemCategoryQuestionAnswer;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer = new stdClass();
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->categoryId = 53;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->categoryCode = 'static_sec_ip_addresses';
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->questionId = 13;
$itemCategoryQuestionAnswer->answer = true; // CONTACT_VALIDATED - I agree that the contact information is current and valid.
$orderTemplate->itemCategoryQuestionAnswers[] = $itemCategoryQuestionAnswer;
* Create a client to the API service.
$client = SoftLayer_SoapClient::getClient($serviceName, null, $apiUsername, $apiKey);
// Create a SoftLayer API client object to the SoftLayer_Product_Order service.
$client = SoftLayer_SoapClient::getClient
// Place the order for the new subnet.
try {
// Re-declare the order template as a SOAP variable, so the SoftLayer
// ordering system knows what type of order you're placing.
$orderTemplate = new SoapVar
// verifyOrder() will check your order for errors. Replace this with a call
// to placeOrder() when you're ready to order. Both calls return a receipt
// object that you can use for your records.
// Once your order is placed it'll go through SoftLayer's approval and
// provisioning process. When it's done you'll have a new
// SoftLayer_Network_Subnet object ready to use.
$receipt = $client->verifyOrder($orderTemplate);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Unable to place subnet order: ' . $e->getMessage();