August 4, 2017

Get Dedicated Host Allocation

Retrieve the CPU, Ram, Storage allocations on a dedicated host.

The first thing you need to get is a list of the Dedicated Hosts on your account. To list the Dedicated Hosts on your account you can use the following code:

import SoftLayer
from pprint import pprint as pp

client = SoftLayer.Client()

dedicatedHosts = client['SoftLayer_Account'].getDedicatedHosts()

Once you have the Dedicated Host ID you can use the following code to retrieve the resource allocations on the host.

@author Ryan TIffany
import SoftLayer
from pprint import pprint as pp

dedicatedHostId = 10501
client = SoftLayer.Client()

getAllocStats = client['SoftLayer_Virtual_DedicatedHost'].getAllocationStatus(id=dedicatedHostId)