August 8, 2018

Manage Users

A script to create users and a script to disable users. Used mostly for setting up lab users and then cleaning up after.

This example is a set of scripts I’ve used for creating and disabling users.

Some of this functionality is also in the SLCLI now.

Create Users

Creates a user, sets up proper permissions, sets up devices access restrictions, creates API keys and orders the user a server.

import SoftLayer.API
from pprint import pprint as pp

def create_user(username, password):
    user_template = {
        'username': username,
        'firstName': 'API',
        'lastName': 'Learner',
        'email': '',
        'companyName': 'IBM',
        'address1': '123 api road',
        'city': 'Houston',
        'country': 'US',
        'postalCode': 'TX 77002',
        'userStatusId': 1001,
        'timezoneId': 107
    created_user = client['User_Customer'].createObject(
    return created_user

def get_permissions(_id):
    permissions = client['User_Customer'].getPermissions(id=_id)
    return permissions

def set_permissions(_id, permissions):
    To get permissions correct, I take the existing permissions of a user
    that I already have, and set my new user's permissions to be the same
    with addBulkPortalPermission
    return client['User_Customer'].addBulkPortalPermission(
        permissions, id=_id)

def fix_permissions(user,permissions):
    # I only want users to have access to this one host
    virtualGuestId = 22334455
    t = user['id']
    set_permissions(user['id'], permissions)

def orderUserServer(user, apiKey):
    Orders a server as the newly created user. 
    hostname = user + "-lab-server"
    guest = {}
    guest['startCpus'] = 1
    guest['maxMemory'] = 1024
    guest['localDiskFlag'] = False
    guest['hostname'] = hostname
    guest['domain'] = user + ""
    guest['hourlyBillingFlag'] = True
    guest['datacenter'] = {}
    guest['datacenter']['name'] = 'tok02'
    guest['blockDeviceTemplateGroup'] = {'globalIdentifier': "6c64f59a-edeb-4ba4-b992-d04972597357"}
    userClient = SoftLayer.Client(
        username = user,
        api_key = apiKey )
    result = userClient['Virtual_Guest'].createObject(guest)
    print "Added server id: %s  ( %s )" % (result['id'],result['fullyQualifiedDomainName']) 

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import argparse
    argsparse = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Number of users')
    argsparse.add_argument('--num-users', dest='num_users', type=int,
                           help='Number of users to provision.')
    argsparse.add_argument('--offset', dest="offset", type=int,
                           default=1, help='Username offset')
                           help='Username prefix', default=False)
    args = argsparse.parse_args()

    ##### CHANGE THESE ##########
    template_user_id = 123456
    password = 'APAsswordGoes!!!H3r3' 

    client = SoftLayer.Client()
    userPerms = client['User_Customer'].getPermissions(id=template_user_id)
    start_user_num = args.offset

    for i in range(args.num_users):
        target_username = '%s-%s' % (args.prefix,start_user_num)
            new_user = create_user(target_username,password)

        except SoftLayer.exceptions.SoftLayerAPIError as error:
            If the user already exists, an exception is thrown. 
            Just reset their permissions and continue on.
            oFilter = {}
            oFilter['users'] = {}
            oFilter['users']['username'] = {}
            oFilter['users']['username']['operation'] = target_username
            new_user = client['Account'].getUsers(filter=oFilter)[0]

        newApiKey = client['User_Customer'].getApiAuthenticationKeys(id=new_user['id'])
        print "username = %s" % (newApiKey[0]['user']['username'])
        print "api_key =  %s" % (newApiKey[0]['authenticationKey'])
        start_user_num = start_user_num + 1

Disable Users

Disable user, changes their password, cancels their servers, and removes any sshKeys

import SoftLayer.API
from pprint import pprint as pp

def get_target_users(prefix):
    _filter = {
        'users': {
            'username': {
                'operation': '*= %s' % (prefix)
    _mask = "mask[id,username]"
    _users = client['Account'].getUsers(filter=_filter, mask=_mask)
    return _users

def get_target_keys(prefix):
    _filter = {
        'sshKeys': {
            'label': {
                'operation': '*= %s' % (prefix)

    _mask = "mask[id,label]"
    _users = client['Account'].getSshKeys(filter=_filter, mask=_mask)
    return _users

def print_result(result, thing):
    if result == True:
        print "OK"
        print "ERROR: "

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import argparse
    argsparse = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Number of users')
                           help='Username prefix', default=False)
                           help='New Password', default=False)
    args = argsparse.parse_args()

    client = SoftLayer.Client()
    users = get_target_users(args.prefix)

    for user in users:
        password =  args.password
        print 'User: ' + user['username'] + ' Password: ' + password 
        # status 1021 disables the user
        template = {
            'id': user['id'],
            'userStatusId': 1021

        # Cancel any servers the user created
        servers = client['User_Customer'].getVirtualGuests(id=user['id'])
        result = True
        for virt in servers: 
            # the "," and the end of print removes the automatic newline
            print("\tCanceling host... " + virt['fullyQualifiedDomainName'] + " (" + str(virt['id']) + ")\t"),
                result = client['Virtual_Guest'].deleteObject(id=virt['id'])
            except SoftLayer.exceptions.SoftLayerAPIError as error:
                print("\tException, host might already be canceling...")

        print("\tChanging password for..." + user['username'] + " (" + str(user['id']) + ")\t"),
        result = client['User_Customer'].updatePassword(password, id=user['id'])
    sshkeys = get_target_keys(args.prefix)
    print 'SSH Key Removal'
    for key in sshkeys:
        print("Deleting key... " + key['label'] + " (" + str(key['id']) + ")\t"),
        result = client['SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key'].deleteObject(id=key['id'])

    print 'Complete'

Users Statuses

The following statuses are available for users:

$ slcli call-api SoftLayer_User_Customer_Status getAllObjects
ID    KeyName         Description
1001  ACTIVE          Active
1002  DISABLED        Disabled
1003  INACTIVE        Inactive
1004  PENDING         Pending
1005  SUSPENDED       Suspended
1006  IAMID_INVALID   IAMid Invalid
1021  CANCEL_PENDING  cancel_pending
1022  VPN_ONLY        VPN Only

When a user is set to CANCEL_PENDING, they will now show up in the API results or portal, however the users will still technically exist in the database. So if you try to create another user with the same username, you may get an error.