November 21, 2018

Manage Block/File storages with python-managers

It shows how to authorize, deauthorize, order replicant volume, etc.

Block Storage Manager and File Storage Manager provide several methods which can be used to manage the file/block storage devides, following are some examples which can be used for block or file storage devices, just instantiate FileStorageManager instead of BlockStorageManager if you want to work whit this kind of storages:

client = SoftLayer.Client()
mgr = SoftLayer.FileStorageManager(client)

Auhorize Hosts

import SoftLayer
from pprint import pprint

client = SoftLayer.Client()
mgr = SoftLayer.BlockStorageManager(client)

# Storage, hardware, and virtual guest must have in the same location
storage_id = 19026105
hwd_ids = [1427759,1580803]
vs_ids = [55265213,55282263]

    result = mgr.authorize_host_to_volume(storage_id,
except SoftLayer.SoftLayerAPIError as e:
    pprint('Unable to authorize hosts. %s, %s ' % (e.faultCode, e.faultString))

Get list of authorized hosts

import SoftLayer
from pprint import pprint

client = SoftLayer.Client()
mgr = SoftLayer.BlockStorageManager(client)

storage_id = 19026105
object_mask = 'mask[allowedHardware[id,hostname,domain,primaryBackendIpAddress],'\
    result = mgr.get_block_volume_access_list(storage_id, mask=object_mask)
except SoftLayer.SoftLayerAPIError as e:
    pprint('Unable to authorize hosts. %s, %s ' % (e.faultCode, e.faultString))

Use the method get_file_volume_access_list instead of get_block_volume_access_list if you have been instantiate the FileStorageManager class

result = mgr.get_file_volume_access_list(storage_id, mask=object_mask)

Deauhorize Hosts

import SoftLayer
from pprint import pprint

client = SoftLayer.Client()
mgr = SoftLayer.BlockStorageManager(client)

storage_id = 19026105
hwd_ids = [1427759,1580803]
vs_ids = [55265213,55282263]

    result = mgr.deauthorize_host_to_volume(storage_id,
except SoftLayer.SoftLayerAPIError as e:
    pprint('Unable to deauthorize hosts. %s, %s ' % (e.faultCode, e.faultString))

Order a replicant volume

import SoftLayer
from pprint import pprint

client = SoftLayer.Client()
mgr = SoftLayer.BlockStorageManager(client)

storage_id = 19026105
schedule = 'WEEKLY'         # values: HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY
location = 'dal12'

    result = mgr.order_replicant_volume(storage_id, schedule, location)
except SoftLayer.SoftLayerAPIError as e:
    pprint('Unable to create replica. %s, %s ' % (e.faultCode, e.faultString))