Example of how to build an order for a bare metal server.
@author Christopher Gallo
Places an order for a Bare Metal Server
import SoftLayer
from pprint import pprint as pp
from prettytable import PrettyTable
class Ordering:
def __init__(self):
self.client = SoftLayer.create_client_from_env()
def main(self, package_id, location_id, pub_vlan_id='', priv_vlan_id=''):
Places an order for a Bare Metal Instance
"""These items are required for all servers and have a 0$ cost, some can be upgraded"""
required_items = [
"""We need bandwidth, at least 1 ip, and the port speed """
network_items = [
"""A disk controller, a duplicate entry for each disk you want, in order, ram, OS and processor chip """
physical_items = [
# 'OS_CENTOS_7_X_64_BIT',
'HARD_DRIVE_NVME_375_GB_PCIE', # PCIe component slot0
'HARD_DRIVE_NVME_375_GB_PCIE' # PCIe component slot1
all_items = required_items + network_items + physical_items
prices = self.gatherPriceIds(package_id, all_items)
productOrder = {'orderContainers': [
'domain': u'cgallo.com',
'hostname': u'vmware-testing01',
'primaryBackendNetworkComponent': {'networkVlan': {'id': int(priv_vlan_id)}},
'primaryNetworkComponent': {'networkVlan': {'id': int(pub_vlan_id)}}
'location': location_id,
'packageId': package_id,
'prices': prices,
'quantity': 1,
'storageGroups': [
'arrayTypeId': 2,
'arraySize': 2000,
'hardDrives': [0, 1],
'partitionTemplateId': 1
'arrayTypeId': 9,
'arraySize': 2000,
'hardDrives': [2],
# Defining partitions on secondary storage groups is only allowed for CentOS
# and Red Hat operating systems.
# 'partitions': [
# {'name': '/', 'size': 200, 'isGrow': 0},
# {'name': '/boot', 'size': 100},
# {'name': '/usr', 'size': 200},
# {'name': '/mine', 'size': 200},
# {'name': '/media', 'size': 1, 'isGrow': 1},
# ]
'arrayTypeId': 9,
'arraySize': 2000,
'hardDrives': [3]
order = self.client['Product_Order'].verifyOrder(productOrder)
# order = self.client['Product_Order'].placeOrder(productOrder)
def listServerPackages(self):
mask = "mask[type]"
_filter = {
'type': {
'keyName': {'operation': 'BARE_METAL_CPU'},
result = self.client['Product_Package'].getAllObjects(mask=mask, filter=_filter)
table = PrettyTable()
table.title = "Server Packages"
table.field_names = ["id", "name", "keyName", "type"]
for product in result:
def listPartitionTemplates(self):
mask = "mask[partitionTemplates[data]]"
result = self.client['SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Partition_OperatingSystem'].getAllObjects(mask=mask)
print("OS Type, Notes")
table = PrettyTable()
table.title = "Partition Templates"
table.field_names = ["OS Type - Notes"]
for os_type in result:
table_os = PrettyTable()
table_os.title = "{} - {}".format(os_type['description'], os_type['notes'])
table_os.field_names = ["Template id", "Description"]
for template in os_type['partitionTemplates']:
template_data = []
table_partition = PrettyTable()
table_partition.field_names = [template['description']]
table_partition.align[template['description']] = "l"
for partition in template['data']:
template_data.append("{} - {} {}"
'Grow' if partition['isGrow'] else ''))
table_os.add_row([template['id'], table_partition])
def listRaidArrayTypes(self):
result = self.client['SoftLayer_Configuration_Storage_Group_Array_Type'].getAllObjects()
table = PrettyTable()
table.title = "Raid Array Types"
table.field_names = ["id", "keyName", "description", "Min", 'Max']
for raid in result:
def listAvailableVlans(self, dc_id):
mask = "mask[network,type,primaryRouter[datacenter]]"
_filter = {
'networkVlans': {
'primaryRouter': {
'datacenter': {'id': {'operation': dc_id}}
result = self.client['SoftLayer_Account'].getNetworkVlans(mask=mask, filter=_filter)
table = PrettyTable()
table.title = "Available Vlans"
table.field_names = ["id", "VLAN", "type", "primaryRouter"]
for vlan in result:
def getServerPrices(self, package_id):
mask = "mask[regions,items[prices],activeServerItems[prices]]"
# locations = self.client['Product_Package'].getLocations(id=package_id)
result = self.client['Product_Package'].getObject(mask=mask, id=package_id)
table = PrettyTable()
table.title = "Locations"
table.field_names = ["Location ID", "Location Name"]
for location in result['regions']:
table.add_row([location['location']['location']['id'], location['description']])
table = PrettyTable()
table.title = "Items Prices"
table.field_names = ["Price ID", "description", "cores", "Monthly Fee", "KeyName"]
for item in result['items']:
for prices in item['prices']:
# only print the Default location price.
# The ordering system will replace the default price id for you if ordering in a non-usa region.
if prices['locationGroupId'] is None:
# Some software has core restrictions that effect prices
if 'capacityRestrictionType' in prices:
cores = "%s - %s" % (
str(item['description']).replace(" - ", "\n"),
cores, prices.get('recurringFee', '?'),
str(item['description']).replace(" - ", "\n"),
"", prices.get('recurringFee', '?'),
# serverItems = self.client['Product_Package'].getActiveServerItems(id=package_id)
table = PrettyTable()
table.title = "SERVER ITEMS"
table.field_names = ["Price ID", "description", "Monthly Fee", "KeyName"]
for item in result['activeServerItems']:
for prices in item['prices']:
# only print the Default location price.
# The ordering system will replace the default price id for you if ordering in a non-usa region.
if prices['locationGroupId'] is None:
str(item['description']).replace(" - ", "\n"),
prices.get('recurringFee', '?'),
def gatherPriceIds(self, package_id, keyNames):
# This will work for prices that have core requirements
mask = 'mask[id,itemCategory,keyName,prices[categories],' \
items = self.client['Product_Package'].getItems(mask=mask, id=package_id)
items_restricted_by_capacity = [item for item in items if item['capacityRestrictedProductFlag'] is True]
prices = []
category_dict = {"gpu0": -1, "pcie_slot0": -1}
core_capacity = 0
for item_keyname in keyNames:
matching_item = [i for i in items if i['keyName'] == item_keyname][0]
except IndexError:
raise SoftLayer.SoftLayerError(
"Item {} does not exist for package {}".format(item_keyname,
item_category = matching_item['itemCategory']['categoryCode']
if item_category == 'server':
core_capacity = int(matching_item['totalPhysicalCoreCapacity'])
for item_keyname in keyNames:
matching_item = [i for i in items if i['keyName'] == item_keyname][0]
except IndexError:
raise SoftLayer.SoftLayerError(
"Item {} does not exist for package {}".format(item_keyname,
item_category = matching_item['itemCategory']['categoryCode']
if item_category not in category_dict:
if matching_item in items_restricted_by_capacity:
price_id = [p['id'] for p in matching_item['prices']
if not p['locationGroupId']
and core_capacity <= int(p['capacityRestrictionMaximum'])][0]
price_id = [p['id'] for p in matching_item['prices']
if not p['locationGroupId']][0]
category_dict[item_category] += 1
category_code = item_category[:-1] + str(category_dict[item_category])
price_id = [p['id'] for p in matching_item['prices']
if not p['locationGroupId']
and p['categories'][0]['categoryCode'] == category_code][0]
prices.append({"id": price_id})
return prices
if __name__ == "__main__":
main = Ordering()
Step 1, find the processor type you want
553 Dual E5-2600 v4 Series (12 Drives) DUAL_E52600_V4_12_DRIVES BARE_METAL_CPU
# main.listServerPackages()
package_id = 553
Step 2, collect all the pieces you want to order
getServerPrices will list out all the keyNames and cost of components
that can be ordered on a certain package. Will also list the DCs that this
server is available in.
location_id = 814994 # "AMSTERDAM03"
Step 3, customize and place the order
pub_vlan_id = 2439425
priv_vlan_id = 2207425
# main.listPartitionTemplates()
main.main(package_id, location_id, pub_vlan_id, priv_vlan_id)
Defining partitions on secondary storage groups is only allowed for CentOS and Red Hat operating systems.
Chose the right operating system.
The location provided for this order is invalid.
Choose a correct location, locations should be displayed in getServerPrices()
Storage group #1 does not have a grow partition. Each storage group with partitions defined must have a grow partition.
Make sure your partition has ‘isGrow’ = 1 at some point.
Storage group #1 with size (GB) is smaller than the total partitioned size (501GB).
You forgot to assign an arraySize.
This is an older example that hard codes priceIds, which can be a bad practice as priceIds can change without notice.
import SoftLayer
import json
quantity = 1
location = 'AMSTERDAM'
packageId = 259
lvmFlag = True
# Building a skeleton SoftLayer_Hardware_Server object to model the hostname and
# domain we want for our server. If you set quantity greater then 1 then you
# need to define one hostname/domain pair per server you wish to order.
hardware = [
'hostname': 'test',
'domain': 'example.org'
# Building a skeleton SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price objects. These objects contain
# much more than ids, but SoftLayer's ordering system only needs the price's id
# to know what you want to order.
# Every item in SoftLayer's product catalog is assigned an id. Use these ids
# to tell the SoftLayer API which options you want in your new server. Use
# the getActivePackages() method in the SoftLayer_Account API service to get
# a list of available item and price options per available package.
prices = [
{'id': 179861}, # server: Single Intel Xeon E5-2620 (6 Cores, 2.00 GHz)
{'id': 76165}, # ram: 8 GB RAM
{'id': 44988}, # os: CentOS 7.x (64 bit)
{'id': 74995}, # disk_controller: RAID
{'id': 64769}, # disk0: 2.00 TB SATA
{'id': 69535}, # disk1: 500 GB SATA
{'id': 69535}, # disk2: 500 GB SATA
{'id': 50357}, # bandwidth: 500 GB Bandwidth
{'id': 273}, # port_speed: 100 Mbps Public & Private Network Uplinks
{'id': 55}, # monitoring: Host Ping
{'id': 58}, # response: Automated Notification
{'id': 420}, # vpn_management: Unlimited SSL VPN Users & 1 PPTP VPN User per account
{'id': 418}, # vulnerability_scanner: Nessus Vulnerability Assessment & Reporting
{'id': 21}, # pri_ip_addresses: 1 IP Address
{'id': 57}, # notification: Email and Ticket
{'id': 906} # remote_management: Reboot / KVM over IP
# Building a skeleton SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Storage_Group object
# Storage groups will only be used if the 'RAID' disk controller price is selected.
# Any other disk controller types will ignore the storage groups set here.
# The first storage group in this array will be considered the primary storage group,
# which is used for the OS. Any other storage groups will act as data storage.
storageGroups = [
"arraySize": 1000,
"arrayTypeId": 3, # RAID_5
"hardDrives": [
"partitionTemplateId": 6
"arraySize": 500,
"arrayTypeId": 9,
"hardDrives": [
# The custom partitions only work on other storage groups
# different from the primary one
"partitions": [
"isGrow": False,
"name": "/test",
"size": 100
"isGrow": True,
"name": "/test2",
"size": 200
# Building a skeleton SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server object
# containing the order you wish to place.
orderTemplate = {
'quantity': quantity,
'location': location,
'packageId': packageId,
'prices': prices,
'hardware': hardware,
'storageGroups': storageGroups,
'lvmFlag': lvmFlag
# Creating a SoftLayer API client object
client = SoftLayer.create_client_from_env()
# verifyOrder() will check your order for errors. Replace this with a call
# to placeOrder() when you're ready to order. Both calls return a receipt
# object that you can use for your records.
# Once your order is placed it'll go through SoftLayer's approval and
# provisioning process. When it's done you'll have a new
# SoftLayer_Hardware_Server object and server ready to use.
receipt = client['Product_Order'].verifyOrder(orderTemplate)
print(json.dumps(receipt, sort_keys=True, indent=2, separators=(',', ': ')))