This article covers a few ways to reload bare metal servers. This article is marked depreciated because of its use of Flex Image Templates, the other ways to reload operating systems are still valid.
Flex Images are depreciated as of 8/7/2017. SoftLayer Product Lifecycle
Reloading a hardware server from an image template allows users to restore or reconfigure the server based off a pre-existing Flex Image Template that is associated with the account in use.
To retrieve the list of available Flex Image Template in the account it is required to use object-filters over the method SoftLayer_Account::getPrivateBlockDeviceTemplateGroups as following
import SoftLayer
from pprint import pprint as pp
class example():
def __init__(self):
self.client = SoftLayer.Client()
def main(self):
# Object-filter which is used to retrieve Flex Images
_filter = {"privateBlockDeviceTemplateGroups":{"imageTypeKeyName":{"operation":"DISK_CAPTURE"}}}
# object-mask to retrieve only the id and name of the image
_mask = "mask[id,name]"
accountService = self.client['Account']
# Retrieve all Flex Images in the account
images = accountService.getPrivateBlockDeviceTemplateGroups(filter=_filter, mask=_mask)
if __name__ == "__main__":
main = example()
SoftLayer does not perform internal backups of customer devices, so the data in the device cannot be retrieved after the OS Reload is initiated. Back up all data on the device prior to initiating the OS Reload.
Post Install Script, SSH Keys, Reset IPMI Password, Apply Motherboard BIOS upgrades, Apply firmware updates for all hard drives, etc., are some of the features that can be added in the server configuration, it is recommended to review Container_Hardware_Server_Configuration in order know which additional features can be added.
import SoftLayer
from pprint import pprint as pp
class example():
def __init__(self):
self.client = SoftLayer.Client()
def main(self):
# ID of server which will be reloaded
serverId = 102938
# Flex Image ID
imageId = 1234567
sshKey1 = 123
sshKey2 = 456
# Build reload configuration
config = {
'imageTemplateId': imageId,
'sshKeyIds': [sshKey1, sshKey2]
output = self.client['Hardware_Server'].reloadOperatingSystem('FORCE', config, id=serverId)
print "RESULT\n"
if __name__ == "__main__":
main = example()
Reload servers from a list of IPs
This script looks for a server with a determinate IP address and reloads
the Operative System with another one.
It makes a single call to the reloadOperatingSystem() method in the
SoftLayer_Hardware_Server API service
Important manual pages:
import SoftLayer
# The IP addresses you wish to reload
ipsToReload = ['']
# The new OS you wish to load
newOSToLoad = 'CentOS 6.x - Minimal Install (64 bit)'
# Declare a new API service objects for: SoftLayer_Hardware_Server
client = SoftLayer.create_client_from_env()
hardwareService = client['SoftLayer_Hardware_Server']
Add an object mask to retrieve our prices related to the servers
for a list of the relational properties you can retrieve along with hardware.
objectMask = "mask[billingItem[package[items[prices]]]]"
# the list of servers to reload
serversToReload = {}
We are looking for the server with the specified IP addresses
and the price for the new OS to load
for ipToReload in ipsToReload:
server = hardwareService.findByIpAddress(ipToReload, mask=objectMask)
serversToReload[ipToReload] = {}
serversToReload[ipToReload]['id'] = server['id']
if 'billingItem' in server.keys():
for item in server["billingItem"]["package"]["items"]:
if item['description'] == newOSToLoad:
serversToReload[ipToReload]['priceId'] = item['prices'][0]['id']
# we are calling the reloadOperatingSystem for the desired servers
for ipToReload in ipsToReload:
config = {
'itemPrices': [
'id': serversToReload[ipToReload]['id']
reload = hardwareService.reloadOperatingSystem('FORCE', config, id=serversToReload[ipToReload]['id'])
except SoftLayer.SoftLayerAPIError as e:
print("Unable to reload the bare metal servers: \nfaultCode= %s, \nfaultString= %s"
% (e.faultCode, e.faultString))
Reload servers from a list of IPs, with the option to specify some additional software
Important manual pages:
import SoftLayer
import json
def get_price(server, item_name):
"""Get the price for an item.
:param SoftLayer_Hardware_Server server: The server to reload.
:param string item_name: The item name to get the price.
:returns: A Softlayer_Product_Item_Price object.
items = server['billingItem']['package']['items']
prices = []
for item in items:
if 'description' in item:
if item['description'].upper().strip() == item_name.upper().strip():
prices = item['prices']
price = [price for price in prices if price['locationGroupId'] == '']
if len(price) > 0:
price = price[0]
price = ''
return price
ipsToReload = ['', '']
# The configuration for the reload.
# The values with empty value will not included in the reload request.
newOSToLoad = 'CentOS 6.x (64 bit)'
newOsAddom = 'XenServer Enterprise for XenServer 5.6'
newControlPanel = 'cPanel/WHM with Softaculous and RVskin'
newDatabase = ''
newAntivir = ''
newFirewall = ''
customProvisionScriptUri = ''
resetIpmiPassword = False
upgradeBios = False
upgradeHardDriveFirmware = False
# Partitions for the reload. If you do not want specify partitions set the value empty hardDrives = []
# Each partition must have at least its name and minimumSize defined.
# Name defines your partition's mount point, and minimumSize specifies its size
# in gigabytes.
# UNIX partition schemes must have at least one swap partition, defined by the
# partition name /swap0. Set the partition's grow property to 1 to indicate that
# partition should expand to fill the remainder of the disk. You must have one
# grow partition in your partition scheme.
# Windows partitioning is a little simpler. Specify the C: partition with the
# name /os, with drives letters D:, E:, F:, etc as /disk0, /disk1, /disk2, and
# so on.
# This example sets up the following partition scheme:
# * swap: 1G
# * /boot: 100M
# * /test: 15G
# * /: grown to fill disk space
hardDrives = [
'complexType': 'SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_HardDrive',
'partitions': [
'name': '/swap0',
'minimumSize': '1',
'name': '/boot',
'minimumSize': '.1',
'name': '/test',
'minimumSize': '15',
'name': '/',
'minimumSize': '1',
'grow': '1',
client = SoftLayer.create_client_from_env()
hardwareService = client['SoftLayer_Hardware_Server']
objectMask = "mask[account[attributes[accountAttributeType]], activeTransaction[transactionStatus], " \
"billingItem[item[totalPhysicalCoreCapacity, capacity], " \
"package[configuration[itemCategory[categoryCode, name]], " \
"items[availabilityAttributes[attributeTypeKeyName], coreRestrictedItemFlag, prices[accountRestrictions," \
"categories[categoryCode, name], requiredCoreCount, definedSoftwareLicenseFlag], requirements, " \
"softwareDescription[averageInstallationDuration]]]], hourlyBillingFlag, managedResourceFlag, " \
"operatingSystem[averageInstallationDuration, passwords[sshKeys]], primaryIpAddress, " \
"softwareComponents[softwareLicense[softwareDescription[features[keyName], " \
"productItems[categories[categoryCode, name]]]]], networkGatewayMemberFlag]"
failedServers = []
for ipToReload in ipsToReload:
failedServer = {'ip': ipToReload}
server = hardwareService.findByIpAddress(ipToReload, mask=objectMask)
if server == '':
failedServer['error'] = "Ip does not exist."
except SoftLayer.SoftLayerAPIError as e:
failedServer['error'] = e
if 'activeTransaction' in server:
failedServer['error'] = "There is an active transaction."
priceOs = get_price(server, newOSToLoad)
priceOsAddom = get_price(server, newOsAddom)
pricePanel = get_price(server, newControlPanel)
priceDataBase = get_price(server, newDatabase)
priceAntivir = get_price(server, newAntivir)
priceFirewall = get_price(server, newFirewall)
itemPrices = []
if priceOs != '':
if priceOsAddom != '':
if pricePanel != '':
if priceDataBase != '':
if priceAntivir != '':
if priceFirewall != '':
config = {
'itemPrices': itemPrices,
'resetIpmiPassword': resetIpmiPassword,
'upgradeBios': upgradeBios,
'upgradeHardDriveFirmware': upgradeHardDriveFirmware
if customProvisionScriptUri != '':
config['customProvisionScriptUri'] = customProvisionScriptUri
if len(hardDrives) > 0:
config['hardDrives'] = hardDrives
reload = hardwareService.reloadOperatingSystem('FORCE', config, id=server['id'])
print('Se inició el proceso de Os Reload')
except SoftLayer.SoftLayerAPIError as e:
failedServer['error'] = e
print("The reload failed for these IPs:")
print(json.dumps(failedServers, sort_keys=True, indent=2, separators=(',', ': ')))
The following code allows you to reload a Bare Metal server with a custom partitioning scheme. You simply need to change the serverId and the partitions to suit your needs. Note that one partition must be marked as the ‘grow’ partition.
Options for the configuration can be found at the SoftLayer_Container_Hardware_Server_Configuration datatype
import SoftLayer
from pprint import pprint as pp
class example():
def __init__(self):
self.client = SoftLayer.Client()
def main(self):
serverId = 1154505
config = {
"upgradeHardDriveFirmware": 0,
"upgradeBios": 0,
"hardDrives": [
"complexType": "SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_HardDrive",
"partitions": [
{ "name": "/boot", "minimumSize": ".25"},
{ "name": "/swap0", "minimumSize": "20"},
{ "name": "/", "minimumSize": "200"},
{ "name": "/tmp", "minimumSize": "200"},
{ "name": "/var", "minimumSize": "200"},
{ "name": "/remove", "minimumSize": "1", "grow": "1"}
"lvmFlag": 0}
output = self.client['Hardware_Server'].reloadOperatingSystem('FORCE', config, id=serverId)
print "RESULT\n"
if __name__ == "__main__":
main = example()