This example shows how to update the firmware on a given server. Primarily this script calls SoftLayer_Hardware_Server::createFirmwareUpdateTransaction, which has options for what specific bits of firmware you want to update. Currently you can choose to update the following:
NOTE The server will need to be offline for about 20 minutes this update to happen, so be aware of that.
NOTE The slcli hardware update-firmware
and ibmcloud sl hardware update-firmware
commands have this feature as well. Although they simply update all firmware and do not allow for selecting a specific bit to update.
@author Christopher Gallo
Updates the firmware of the specified serverid. Server must be offline to be updated.
Script requried
Python 3.7+
click 8.0+ - For making this script a CLI command easily
rich - To make the output look nice
# Click is used to make this script support CLI arguments
import click
# Used for details table output
from rich.console import Console
from rich.table import Table
from rich.prompt import Confirm
from import Live
from rich import print
# The SoftLayer SDK
import SoftLayer
# Used for time.sleep() to wait for a server to power off
import time
class SLSDK():
"""Class used to manage making API calls to the SL API"""
def __init__(self):
"""SoftLayer Client Initialization"""
self.client = SoftLayer.Client()
# This part allows printing out the exact API calls used
debugger = SoftLayer.DebugTransport(self.client.transport)
self.client.transport = debugger
def resolveServerId(self, serverid: int) -> str:
"""Gets the Fully Qualified Domain Name for a server"""
fqdnMask = "mask[id,fullyQualifiedDomainName]"
fqdn ='SoftLayer_Hardware_Server', 'getObject', id=serverid, mask=fqdnMask)
return fqdn.get('fullyQualifiedDomainName', '')
def powerOff(self, serverid: int) -> None:
"""Powers off serverid"""'SoftLayer_Hardware_Server', 'powerOff', id=serverid)
def powerOn(self, serverid: int) -> None:
"""Powers on serverid"""'SoftLayer_Hardware_Server', 'powerOn', id=serverid)
def update(self, serverid: int, ipmi: bool, raid: bool, bios: bool, harddrive: bool, network: bool) -> bool:
"""Updates firmware for serverID for the specified devices"""
result ='SoftLayer_Hardware_Server', 'createFirmwareUpdateTransaction',
ipmi, raid, bios, harddrive, network, id=serverid)
return result
def waitForReboot(seconds: int) -> str:
return f"Wait {seconds} for server to reboot..."
@click.option('-f', '--force', is_flag=True, help="Skips the confirmation dialog prompts")
@click.option('-i', '--ipmi', is_flag=True, help="Update IPMI firmware")
@click.option('-r', '--raid', is_flag=True, help="Update RAID firmware")
@click.option('-b', '--bios', is_flag=True, help="Update BIOS firmware")
@click.option('-d', '--harddrive', is_flag=True, help="Update Hard Drives firmware")
@click.option('-n', '--network', is_flag=True, help="Update Network Card firmware")
def updateFirmware(serverid, force, ipmi, raid, bios, harddrive, network):
# init the SDK Class
sdk = SLSDK()
# Take the serverId and get a FQDN from it
fqdn = sdk.resolveServerId(serverid)
except SoftLayer.SoftLayerError as e:
print(f"[red]Failed to get server [underline]{serverid}[/underline]. Error: [underline]{e}[/underline]")
raise click.Abort()
# Make sure the user knows what is about to happen to their server
if not force:
prompt = f"You are about to reboot server [red]{fqdn}[/red] and update its firmware, continue?"
if not Confirm.ask(prompt):
raise click.Abort()
# Shutdown the server, wait a few seconds for that to processes
print(f"Shutting down and updating [red]{fqdn}[/red] now...")
waitFor = 15
# This bit is just to be fancy and have an update-in-place counter
with Live(waitForReboot(waitFor), refresh_per_second=1) as live:
for second in range(waitFor):
live.update(waitForReboot(waitFor - second))
# Actually do the firmware update. This might return an exception if no firmwares were requested to be udpated.
sdk.update(serverid, ipmi, raid, bios, harddrive, network)
print(f"[green]Successfully updated [underline]{fqdn}[/underline]")
except SoftLayer.SoftLayerError as e:
print(f"[red]Failed to update server [underline]{fqdn}[/underline]. Error: [underline]{e}[/underline]")
raise click.Abort()
if __name__ == "__main__":
$> python 3332650 -f -i -r -b -d -n
Calling: SoftLayer_Hardware_Server::getObject(id=3332650, mask='mask[id,fullyQualifiedDomainName]', filter='None', args=(), limit=None, offset=None)
Shutting down and updating now...
Calling: SoftLayer_Hardware_Server::powerOff(id=3332650, mask='', filter='None', args=(), limit=None, offset=None)
Wait 1 for server to reboot...
Calling: SoftLayer_Hardware_Server::createFirmwareUpdateTransaction(id=3332650, mask='', filter='None', args=(True, True, True, True, True), limit=None, offset=None)
Successfully updated