All the functions defined in this article will be part of this UserAccount
class. Which only sets up the SoftLayer Client, and configures the debugger, which allows you to see the exact API calls being made.
import SoftLayer
from SoftLayer.CLI import environment
from SoftLayer.CLI import formatting
from pprint import pprint
class UserAccount:
def __init__(self):
self.client = SoftLayer.create_client_from_env()
debugger = SoftLayer.DebugTransport(self.client.transport)
self.user_customer_service = self.client['User_Customer']
self.account_service = self.client['Account']
self.user_customer_api_authentication_service = self.client['User_Customer_ApiAuthentication']
self.client.transport = debugger
self.env = environment.Environment()
def debug(self):
for call in self.client.transport.get_last_calls():
To list the status of sub-users needs the user customer id, list_sub_users(self, user_customer_id)
method calls to SoftLayer_User_Customer::getChildUsers method to retrieve the user list.
def list_sub_users(self, user_customer_id):
mask = "mask[id,lastName,firstName,username,userStatusId,sslVpnAllowedFlag]"
result = self.user_customer_service.getChildUsers(id=user_customer_id, mask=mask)
return result
To edit settings needs the username of user.
def disable_user_can_edit_settings(self, user_name):
object_filter_user = {"users": {"username": {"operation": user_name}}}
users = self.account_service.getUsers(filter=object_filter_user)
users[0]['secondaryLoginManagementFlag'] = True
result = self.user_customer_service.editObject(users[0], id=users[0]['id'])
return result
To duplicate user needs the username of the user to copy and the username, office phone, user password, VPN password, first name, last name and email of the new user, the method create a new user with the same permissions, servers and virtual servers that the original user.
def get_user(self, username):
object_filter = {"users": {"username": {"operation": username}}}
users = self.account_service.getUsers(filter=object_filter)
except SoftLayer.SoftLayerAPIError as e:
print("Unable to get the user. " % (e.faultCode, e.faultString))
return users[0]
def get_user_permissions(self, user):
permissions = self.user_customer_service.getPermissions(id=user['id'])
except SoftLayer.SoftLayerAPIError as e:
print("Unable to get the user permissions. " % (e.faultCode, e.faultString))
return permissions
def get_user_servers(self, user):
servers = self.user_customer_service.getHardware(id=user['id'])
except SoftLayer.SoftLayerAPIError as e:
print("Unable to get the servers. " % (e.faultCode, e.faultString))
server_ids = []
for server in servers:
return server_ids
def get_user_vsis(self, user):
vsis = self.user_customer_service.getVirtualGuests(id=user['id'])
except SoftLayer.SoftLayerAPIError as e:
print("Unable to get the VSIs. " % (e.faultCode, e.faultString))
vsis_ids = []
for vsi in vsis:
return vsis_ids
def duplicate_user(self, user_to_copy, newUserName, newOfficePhone, newUserPassword,
newVPNPassword, newFirstName, newLastName, newEmail):
user = user_account.get_user(user_to_copy)
permissions = user_account.get_user_permissions(user)
server_access = user_account.get_user_servers(user)
vsi_access = user_account.get_user_vsis(user)
templateObject = {
"accountId": user['accountId'],
"address1": user['address1'],
"city": user['city'],
"companyName": user['companyName'],
"country": user['country'],
"daylightSavingsTimeFlag": user['daylightSavingsTimeFlag'],
"email": newEmail,
"firstName": newFirstName,
"lastName": newLastName,
"officePhone": newOfficePhone,
# The user ID of the user which is creating this user
"parentId": user['parentId'],
"postalCode": user['postalCode'],
"state": user['state'],
"timezoneId": user['timezoneId'],
# 1001 = Active; 1002 = Disable; 1003 = Inactive; 1021 = Delete ; 1022 = VPN Only
"userStatusId": user['userStatusId'],
"username": newUserName
newUser = self.user_customer_service.createObject(templateObject, newUserPassword, newVPNPassword)
print("user created")
self.user_customer_service.addBulkPortalPermission(permissions, id=newUser['id'])
print("permissions added")
self.user_customer_service.addBulkHardwareAccess(server_access, id=newUser['id'])
print("servers added")
self.user_customer_service.addBulkVirtualGuestAccess(vsi_access, id=newUser['id'])
print("VSIs added")
except SoftLayer.SoftLayerAPIError as e:
print("Unable to create new user. " % (e.faultCode, e.faultString))
To edit settings needs the username of user.
def enable_user_can_edit_settings(self, user_name):
object_filter_user = {"users": {"username": {"operation": user_name}}}
users = self.account_service.getUsers(filter=object_filter_user)
users[0]['secondaryLoginManagementFlag'] = False
result = self.user_customer_service.editObject(users[0], id=users[0]['id'])
return result
To disable and enable require security questions on log in needs the username of the user.
def toggle_security_questions(self, user_name):
object_filter_user = {"users": {"username": {"operation": user_name}}}
users = self.account_service.getUsers(filter=object_filter_user)
users[0]['secondaryLoginRequiredFlag'] = False
users[0]['secondaryLoginRequiredFlag'] = True
result = self.user_customer_service.editObject(users[0], id=users[0]['id'])
return result
The first method is to get the user accounts with two-factor enabled and the second to the user accounts with two-factor disabled.
def get_users_with_two_factor_authentication_enabled(self):
mask = "mask[id,username,firstName,lastName,externalBindingCount,externalBindings]"
object_filter = {
'users': {
'externalBindings': {
'active': {
'operation': '1'
result = self.account_service.getUsers(filter=object_filter, mask=mask)
return result
def get_users_with_two_factor_authentication_disabled(self):
mask = "mask[id,username,firstName,lastName,externalBindingCount,externalBindings]"
object_filter = {
'users': {
'externalBindings': {
'active': {
'operation': '0'
result = self.account_service.getUsers(filter=object_filter, mask=mask)
return result
To set the user permission needs the user id, the method prints the initial permissions, adds TICKET_ADD permision to the user and prints the updated permissions.
def get_permissions(self, user_id):
permissions = self.user_customer_service.getPermissions(id=user_id)
return permissions
def print_permissions(self, permissions):
for permission in permissions:
print("%s" % permission['keyName'])
def add_ticket_permission(self, user_id):
permissions = self.get_permissions(user_id)
print("=== OLD PERMISSIONS ===")
setperm = {'keyName': "TICKET_ADD"}
self.user_customer_service.addPortalPermission(setperm, id=user_id)
permissions = self.get_permissions(user_id)
print("=== NEW PERMISSIONS ===")
The method use a prefix to find all matching users on your account and change their password, the method needs a prefix to find users and the new password.
def get_target_users(self, prefix):
filter = {
'users': {
'username': {
'operation': '*= %s' % (prefix)
mask = "mask[id,username]"
users = self.account_service.getUsers(filter=filter, mask=mask)
return users
def change_password_with_user_prefix(self, prefix, new_password):
users = self.get_target_users(prefix)
for user in users:
"Changing password for: " + str(user['id']) + " " + user['username']
result = self.user_customer_service.updatePassword(new_password, id=user['id'])
return users
To create a subscription to an unplanned incident needs the customer id and an array of delivery method keynames, add_susbcription(self, delivery_method_key_names, customer_id)
method calls to SoftLayer_User_Customer::createSubscriberDeliveryMethods method to create subscriber.
def add_susbcription(self, delivery_method_key_names, customer_id):
templates = self.user_customer_service.createSubscriberDeliveryMethods("UNPLANNED_INCIDENT",
delivery_method_key_names, id=customer_id)
return templates
To disable and enable email invoice notifications needs the username of the user, toggle_email_invoice_notifications(self, user_name)
method calls to SoftLayer_User_Customer::deactivateNotificationSubscriber method to disable notifications and SoftLayer_User_Customer::createNotificationSubscriber method to enable notifications.
def toggle_email_invoice_notifications(self, user_name):
object_filter_user = {"users": {"username": {"operation": user_name}}}
users = self.account_service.getUsers(filter=object_filter_user)
result = self.user_customer_service.deactivateNotificationSubscriber(
"BILLING_INVOICE_CREATED", users[0]['accountId'], id=users[0]['id'])
# result = self.user_customer_service.createNotificationSubscriber(
# "BILLING_INVOICE_CREATED", users[0]['accountId'], id=users[0]['id'])
return result
To restrict the access from user to specific ip needs the username and the ip address, set_restrict_access_to_ip(self, user_name, ip_address)
method calls to SoftLayer_User_Customer::editObject method to edit ipAddressRestriction attribute.
def set_restrict_access_to_ip(self, user_name, ip_address):
object_filter_user = {"users": {"username": {"operation": user_name}}}
users = self.account_service.getUsers(filter=object_filter_user)
# Set the value to "" to delete the previous configured IP address.
users[0]['ipAddressRestriction'] = ip_address
result = self.user_customer_service.editObject(users[0], id=users[0]['id'])
return result
To set the expire password needs the username and the number of days that the password will be active, set_expire_password_in(self, user_name, number_of_days)
method calls to SoftLayer_User_Customer::editObject method to edit secondaryPasswordTimeoutDays attribute.
def set_expire_password_in(self, user_name, number_of_days):
object_filter_user = {"users": {"username": {"operation": user_name}}}
users = self.account_service.getUsers(filter=object_filter_user)
# Set the value to 0 for never
users[0]['secondaryPasswordTimeoutDays'] = number_of_days
result = self.user_customer_service.editObject(users[0], id=users[0]['id'])
return result
To set API IP address restriction needs the username and the ip address.
def set_api_ip_address_restriction(self, user_name, ip_address):
object_filter_user = {"users": {"username": {"operation": user_name}}}
users = self.account_service.getUsers(filter=object_filter_user)
keys = self.user_customer_service.getApiAuthenticationKeys(id=users[0]['id'])
keys[0]["ipAddressRestriction"] = ip_address
result = self.user_customer_api_authentication_service.editObject(keys[0], id=keys[0]['id'])
return result
To get notification subscribers needs the username, get_notification_subscribers(self, user_name)
method calls to SoftLayer_User_Customer::getSubscribers method to list the notification subscribers.
def get_notification_subscribers(self, user_name):
object_filter_user = {"users": {"username": {"operation": user_name}}}
users = self.account_service.getUsers(filter=object_filter_user)
result = self.user_customer_service.getSubscribers(id=users[0]['id'])
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
user_account = UserAccount()
test_username = "username0235"
test_user_id = 12345678
# Get User status
# Disable user can edit settings
# Duplicate User
userToCopy = "originalUsername"
newUserName = "target"
newUserPassword = "Passwords2."
newVPNPassword = "Passwords2."
newOfficePhone = "512365485"
newFirstName = "myFistName"
newLastName = "myLastName"
newEmail = ""
user_account.duplicate_user(user_to_copy, newUserName, newOfficePhone,
newUserPassword, newVPNPassword, newFirstName, newLastName, newEmail)
# Enable user can edit settings
# Toggle Security Questions
# Show user accounts with and without two-factor enabled
# Set user permissions
# Change Passwords
prefix = "PREFIX"
password = "qweASDzxc!23"
user_account.change_password_with_user_prefix(prefix, password)
# Change Passwords
delivery_method_key_names = [
user_account.add_susbcription(delivery_method_key_names, test_user_id)
# Toggle email invoice notifications
# Set restrict access to ip
ip_address = ""
user_account.set_restrict_access_to_ip(test_username, ip_address)
# Set expire password
password_active_days = 90
user_account.set_expire_password_in(test_username, password_active_days)
# Set api ip address restriction
ip_address = ""
user_account.set_restrict_access_to_ip(test_username, ip_address)
# Get notification subscribers