

Validates a collection of partitions for an operating system


Validates a collection of partitions for an operating system


Name Type Description
operatingSystem SoftLayer_Software_Description The operating system that is to be verified against.
partitions SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Partition[] The partitions that are to be used with the operating system.

Required Headers

Optional Headers

  • None

Return Values

  • boolean

Error Handling

  • Throws the exception ‘Invalid operating system provided.’ when the operating system description that was provided does not exist.
  • Throws the exception ‘ partition is too small…’ when the partition that was provided does not meet the minimum requirements
  • Throws the exception ‘Missing required partitions:…’ when partitions that are required for the operating system indicated are not provided.
curl -g -u $SL_USER:$SL_APIKEY -X POST -d '{"parameters": [SoftLayer_Software_Description, SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Partition]}' \