

Attach a Dedicated Host to a ticket.


Attach the given Dedicated Host to a SoftLayer ticket. An attachment provides an easy way for SoftLayer’s employees to quickly look up your records in the case of specific issues.


Name Type Description
dedicatedHostId int The internal identifier of the dedicated host record to attach.

Required Headers

Optional Headers

Return Values

Error Handling

  • Throw the exception “Unable to attach a null dedicated host to this ticket.” if no dedicated host identifier is provided.
  • Throw the exception “This dedicated host is already attached to this ticket.” if the given dedicated host is already attached to this ticket.
  • Throw the exception “You may not attach this dedicated host to this ticket.” if the user making the API call does not have permission to use the given dedicated host.
  • Throw the exception “Unable to attach dedicated host to this ticket.” if the API is unable to attach the given dedicated host to this ticket.

Associated Methods

curl -g -u $SL_USER:$SL_APIKEY -X POST -d '{"parameters": [int]}' \