Activate the private port
Activate the public port
Allow access to a SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume from this device.
Allow access to multiple SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes from this device.
Attaches a disk image.
Reopens the public and/or private ports to reverse the changes made when the server was isolated for a destructive action.
Captures a Flex Image of the hard disk on the virtual machine.
Checks the associated host for available disk space to determine if guest migration is necessary. This method is only used with local disks. If this method returns false, calling attachDiskImage($imageId) will automatically migrate the destination guest to a new host before attaching the portable …
Configures the guest’s metadata disk.
SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Devices can be grouped together in and backed up in an archive for later use. This method generates a transaction to perform an archive of the provided block devices.
SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device can be grouped together in and backed up in an archive for later use. This method generates a transaction to perform an archive of the provided block devices.
Create a new computing instance
Create new computing instances
Delete a computing instance
Delete a tag
Detaches a disk image.
Edit a computing instance’s properties
Reboot a guest into the Idera Bare Metal Restore image.
Reboot a guest into the R1Soft Bare Metal Restore image.
Download and run remote script from uri on the virtual guest. Requires https for script to be executed after download.
Reboot a Linux guest into the Xen rescue image.
Find VSIs by hostname.
Find CCI by its primary public or private IP (ipv4) address.
Obtain an order container for a given template object
The account that a virtual guest belongs to.
A virtual guest’s currently active network monitoring incidents.
A transaction that is still be performed on a cloud server.
Any active transaction(s) that are currently running for the server (example: os reload).
Return a collection of SoftLayer_Item_Price objects for an OS reload
The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host information to connect this Virtual Guest to Network Storage volumes that require access control lists.
The SoftLayer_Network_Storage objects that this SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest has access to.
The SoftLayer_Network_Storage objects whose Replica that this SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest has access to.
A antivirus / spyware software component object.
Return a list of SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes authorized to this device.
An object that stores the maximum level for the monitoring query types and response types.
Return a list of SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that can be authorized to this device.
The average daily private bandwidth usage for the current billing cycle.
The average daily public bandwidth usage for the current billing cycle.
A guests’s backend network components.
A guest’s backend or private router.
A computing instance’s allotted bandwidth (measured in GB).
A computing instance’s allotted detail record. Allotment details link bandwidth allocation with allotments.
Retrieve the amount of network traffic that occurred for the specified time frame for a computing instance.
Retrieve bandwidth data from a tracking object.
Retrieve a visual representation of the amount of network traffic that occurred for the specified time frame for a computing instance.
Retrieve a visual representation of the amount of network traffic that occurred for the specified time frame for a computing instance.
Retrieve total amount of network traffic that was in use during the time specified by the input parameters for a computing instance.
The raw bandwidth usage data for the current billing cycle. One object will be returned for each network this server is attached to.
The raw private bandwidth usage data for the current billing cycle.
The raw public bandwidth usage data for the current billing cycle.
The billing item for a CloudLayer Compute Instance.
Determines whether the instance is ineligible for cancellation because it is disconnected.
The global identifier for the image template that was used to provision or reload a guest.
A computing instance’s block devices. Block devices link SoftLayer_Virtual_Disk_Image to computing instances.
Retrieves the boot mode of the VSI.
A virtual guest’s browser access logs.
get console access logs
A container for a guest’s console data
A flag indicating a computing instance’s console IP address is assigned.
A record containing information about a computing instance’s console IP and port number.
A continuous data protection software component object.
A guest’s control panel.
Return the associated core-restricted operating system item price for the virtual server.
Retrieve records containing the percentage of the amount of time that a cpu was in use for the specified time frame for a computing instance.
Retrieve a visual representation of the percentage of the amount of time that a cpu was in use for the specified time frame for a computing instance.
Retrieve a visual representation of the percentage of the amount of time that a cpu was in use for the specified time frame for a computing instance.
Determine options available when creating a computing instance
An object that provides commonly used bandwidth summary components for the current billing cycle.
Get the billing total for this instance’s usage up to this point. This total includes all bandwidth charges.
The datacenter that a virtual guest resides in.
The dedicated host associated with this guest.
The device status of this virtual guest.
Return a drive retention SoftLayer_Item_Price object for a guest.
A guest’s associated EVault network storage service account.
Get the subnets associated with this CloudLayer computing instance that are protectable by a network component firewall.
A computing instance’s hardware firewall services.
A guest’s frontend network components.
A guest’s frontend or public router.
A guest’s universally unique identifier.
The number of GPUs attached to the guest.
The name of the GPU type attached to the guest.
The object’s function.
The virtual host on which a virtual guest resides (available only on private clouds).
A host IPS software component object.
A guest’s hourly billing status.
The total private inbound bandwidth for this computing instance for the current billing cycle.
The total public inbound bandwidth for this computing instance for the current billing cycle.
Return a collection of SoftLayer_Item_Price objects from a collection of SoftLayer_Software_Description
The last known power state of a virtual guest in the event the guest is turned off outside of IMS or has gone offline.
The last transaction that a cloud server’s operating system was loaded.
The last transaction a cloud server had performed.
A virtual guest’s latest network monitoring incident.
A flag indicating that the virtual guest has at least one disk which is local to the host it runs on. This does not include a SWAP device.
Where guest is located within SoftLayer’s location hierarchy.
A flag indicating that the virtual guest is a managed resource.
Retrieve records containing the amount memory that was used for the specified time frame for a computing instance.
Retrieve a visual representation of the amount of memory used for the specified time frame for a computing instance.
Retrieve a visual representation of the amount of memory used for the specified time frame for a computing instance.
A guest’s metric tracking object.
The metric tracking object id for this guest.
A virtual guest’s network monitoring services.
The monitoring notification objects for this guest. Each object links this guest instance to a user account that will be notified if monitoring on this guest object fails
Get the IP addresses associated with this CloudLayer computing instance that are protectable by a network component firewall.
A guests’s network components.
All of a virtual guest’s network monitoring incidents.
A guests’s network monitors.
A guest’s associated network storage accounts.
The network Vlans that a guest’s network components are associated with.
Retrieve a SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest record.
An open ticket requesting cancellation of this server, if one exists.
A guest’s operating system.
A guest’s operating system software description.
Obtain an order container that is ready to be sent to the [[SoftLayer_Product_Order#placeOrder|SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder]] method.
The original package id provided with the order for a Cloud Computing Instance.
The total private outbound bandwidth for this computing instance for the current billing cycle.
The total public outbound bandwidth for this computing instance for the current billing cycle.
Whether the bandwidth usage for this computing instance for the current billing cycle exceeds the allocation.
Returns a list of all the pending maintenance actions affecting this guest.
When true this virtual guest must be migrated using SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::migrate.
The placement group that a virtual guest belongs to.
The current power state of a virtual guest.
A guest’s primary private IP address.
A guest’s primary backend network component.
The guest’s primary public IP address.
A guest’s primary public network component.
Whether the computing instance only has access to the private network.
Whether the bandwidth usage for this computing instance for the current billing cycle is projected to exceed the allocation.
The projected public outbound bandwidth for this computing instance for the current billing cycle.
Recent events that impact this computing instance.
Recent metric data for a guest
The regional group this guest is in.
The reserved capacity group the guest is associated with.
Flag to indicate whether or not a guest is part of a reserved capacity group.
The reserved capacity group instance the guest is associated with.
Retrieve the reverse domain records associated with a server.
A guest’s vulnerability scan requests.
The server room that a guest is located at. There may be more than one server room for every data center.
A guest’s installed software.
SSH keys to be installed on the server during provisioning or an OS reload.
A computing instance’s status.
Whether or not a computing instance is a Transient Instance.
The endpoint used to notify customers their transient guest is terminating.
The type of this virtual guest.
Retrieve a computing instance’s upgradeable items.
A computing instance’s associated upgrade request object if any.
A base64 encoded string containing custom user data for a Cloud Computing Instance order.
A list of users that have access to this computing instance.
Return a list of valid block device template groups based on this host
The name of the bandwidth allotment that a hardware belongs too.
The id of the bandwidth allotment that a computing instance belongs too.
The name of the bandwidth allotment that a computing instance belongs too.
Verifies if a guest’s backend ip address is pingable.
Determines if the virtual guest was provisioned from a cloud-init enabled image.
Verifies if guest is pingable.
Closes the public or private ports to isolate the instance before a destructive action.
Creates a transaction to migrate a virtual guest to a new host. NOTE: Will only migrate if SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest property pendingMigrationFlag = true
Migrate a dedicated instance from one dedicated host to another dedicated host
Pause a guest.
Power cycle a guest.
Power off a guest.
Cleanly shut down a guest and disable power
Power on a guest.
Power cycle a guest.
Power cycle a guest.
Attempt to complete a soft reboot of a guest by shutting down the operating system.
Perform an OS reload
Reloads operating system configuration.
Remove access to a SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume from this device.
Remove access to multiple SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes from this device.
Remove a tag reference
Resume a guest.
Updates the private network interface (eth0) speed.
Updates the public network interface (eth1) speed.
Configures the guest’s metadata disk.
Shuts down the private port
Shuts down the public port
Validates an image template for OS Reload
Verify that a virtual server can go through the operating system reload process.