Add redundant power supply (50221 / 469) to the order form for the following packages (all 1U) - 837 (Skylake dual proc), 911 (Kabylake 1270), 551 (Broadwell dual proc), 253 (Haswell dual proc), 257 (Haswell 1270)
Except in AMS01, DAL01, DAL05, DAL06, DAL07, SEA01, SJC01, WDC01
Fixed an issue impacting Nessus scanners.
Fixed an issue with customer license keys being limited to a set number of hosts.
Allow for encryption of both primary and secondary VPC volumes.
Fixed issues in the initial Redhat per customer key release. Improves error messages and logging, while also fixing an error when deleting systems on newer satellites that was causing usage to not decrease and errors when trying to set max_hosts.