This powershell script will get the filename for the PDF and Excel invoices and save them locally. Requires PowerShell Version 4 for the Invoke-WebRequest and ConvertFrom-Json functions.
# Start SL script
$MyScriptName = "_Call_SL_Rest"
$HomeDir = pwd
$date4file = get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S"
$log = "$HomeDir\"+$date4file+$MyScriptName+".log"
$BaseURL = ""
Add-Content $log "$(Get-Date -format s) : Start"
$SLapikey = "APIKEY"
$LoginPair = "$($SLUser):$($SLapikey)"
$encodedCreds = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($LoginPair))
$basicAuthValue = "Basic $encodedCreds"
$Headers = @{
Authorization = $basicAuthValue
Add-Content $log "$(Get-Date -format s) : Authenticate as User $($SLUser) at URL $($GSTURL)"
$GSTRequest = Invoke-WebRequest $GSTURL -Headers $Headers -SessionVariable slsession
#Write-host $GSTRequest.content
$GSTanswerConv = ConvertFrom-Json $($GSTRequest.content)
Add-Content $log "$(Get-Date -format s) : Account Info: $($GSTanswerConv | select companyName , country , id)"
function CallURL($URL) {
Add-Content $log "$(Get-Date -format s) : Call URL $($URL)"
$Request = Invoke-WebRequest $URL -WebSession $slsession
$answerConv = ConvertFrom-Json $($Request.content)
return $answerConv
$Callanswer = CallURL($URLcall)
Add-Content $log "$(Get-Date -format s) : Invoice Info: $($Callanswer | select companyName , id,typeCode, modifyDate , createDate)"
$LastIvoiceID = $
$Callanswer = CallURL($URLcall)
Add-Content $log "$(Get-Date -format s) : Invoice FileName: $($Callanswer)"
$PdfDetailedFilename = $Callanswer
$FileDest = "$HomeDir\$PdfDetailedFilename"
$Callanswer = CallURL($URLcall)
$FileData = $Callanswer
set-content -encoding byte -Path $FileDest -value $bytes_FileData
$PdfFile = $FileDest
$Callanswer = CallURL($URLcall)
Add-Content $log "$(Get-Date -format s) : Invoice FileName: $($Callanswer)"
$XlsFilename = $Callanswer
$FileDest = "$HomeDir\$XlsFilename"
$Callanswer = CallURL($URLcall)
$FileData = $Callanswer
set-content -encoding byte -Path $FileDest -value $bytes_FileData
$XlsFile = $FileDest
Add-Content $log "$(Get-Date -format s) : End"