December 30, 2015

Find a billing item from a provisioned product

Determine the billing item of a provisioned product using getBillingItem

Operation: GET

Method: SoftLayer_Network_Storage::getBillingItem()

URL: SoftLayer_Network_Storage/getBillingItem

To find a billing item of a provisioned product you would use the getBillingItem call on the specific resource you are trying to locate. In the following example we are looking for the Billing Item of an Endurance Storage volume with an ID of 1234567.

Example CURL:

curl -su userid:api_key

Example Response:

    "allowCancellationFlag": 1,
    "cancellationDate": null,
    "categoryCode": "storage_service_enterprise",
    "createDate": "2015-11-17T12:14:14-06:00",
    "cycleStartDate": "2015-12-04T00:07:24-06:00",
    "description": "Endurance Storage",
    "id": "87654321",
    "laborFee": "0",
    "laborFeeTaxRate": "0",
    "lastBillDate": "2015-12-04T00:07:24-06:00",
    "modifyDate": "2015-12-04T00:07:24-06:00",
    "nextBillDate": "2016-01-04T00:00:00-06:00",
    "oneTimeFee": "0",
    "oneTimeFeeTaxRate": "0",
    "orderItemId": 99999999,
    "parentId": null,
    "recurringFee": "0",
    "recurringFeeTaxRate": "0",
    "recurringMonths": 1,
    "serviceProviderId": 1,
    "setupFee": "0",
    "setupFeeTaxRate": "0"