September 30, 2015

Get hostnames

Calls SoftLayer_Account::getObject with an objectMask to pull in all the hostnames for both hardware and virtual servers. Uses the . and ; format for object Masks.

Operation: GET

Method: SoftLayer_Account::getObject()

URL: SoftLayer_Account/getObject?objectMask=mask[hardware.hostname,hourlyVirtualGuests[hostname,domain]]"

Example CURL:

$ curl -u username:api_key "[hardware.hostname,hourlyVirtualGuests[hostname,domain]]"

Example Response:

    "accountManagedResourcesFlag": false,
    "accountStatusId": 1001,
    "address1": "4849 Alpha Rd",
    "allowedPptpVpnQuantity": 1,
    "brandId": 2,
    "city": "Dallas",
    "claimedTaxExemptTxFlag": false,
    "companyName": "SoftLayer Internal - Development Community",
    "country": "US",
    "createDate": "2014-02-04T10:33:56-06:00",
    "email": "",
    "firstName": "Phil",
    "hardware": [
            "hostname": "bsdal5167180245106688"
            "hostname": "db-server"
            "hostname": "db-server"
            "hostname": "deleteme"
            "hostname": "pjacksontestorder"
    "hourlyVirtualGuests": [
            "domain": "",
            "hostname": "api-lab"
            "domain": "",
            "hostname": "dal09-tst-eos-01a"
            "domain": "",
            "hostname": "host1"
            "domain": "",
            "hostname": "hostnametest-44ea"
            "domain": "",
            "hostname": "hostnametest-6f6a"
            "domain": "",
            "hostname": "hostnametest-709f"
            "domain": "",
            "hostname": "hostnametest-7c92"
            "domain": "",
            "hostname": "oeg-es1"
            "domain": "",
            "hostname": "oeg-es2"
    "id": 307608,
    "isReseller": 0,
    "lastName": "Asd",
    "lateFeeProtectionFlag": true,
    "modifyDate": "2014-02-04T10:34:18-06:00",
    "officePhone": "281.714.1234",
    "postalCode": "75244-4608",
    "state": "TX",
    "statusDate": null