May 5, 2016

Order a Local Load Balancer

Use verifyOrder and placeOrder to order a new Local Load Balancer

Operation: POST

Method: SoftLayer_Product_Order::verifyOrder() Method: SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder()

URL: SoftLayer_Product_Order/verifyOrder URL: SoftLayer_Product_Order/placeOrder

In the following example I am ordering a Local Load Balancer 500 VIP connections (PriceId: 2078) in the Dallas 06 Datacenter (locationId: 154820).

Example CURL using verifyOrder:

curl --user "$SOFTLAYER_USERNAME:$SOFTLAYER_API_KEY" -k -X POST -d '{"parameters":[{"packageId":194,"location":154820,"quantity":1,"prices":[{"id":2078}]}]}' ""

Example CURL using placeOrder:

curl --user "$SOFTLAYER_USERNAME:$SOFTLAYER_API_KEY" -k -X POST -d '{"parameters":[{"packageId":194,"location":154820,"quantity":1,"prices":[{"id":2078}]}]}' ""